1 man dies in multi-car crash in Nassau on Long Island Expressway: police

PLAINVIEW, N.Y. — A man died in a multi-vehicle crash on the Long Island Expressway Saturday morning, police said.

According to the Nassau County Police Department Homicide Unit, the accident occurred at 7:14 a.m. in Plainview. According to investigators, Nassau County Police Department highway officers responded to the crash on the Long Island Expressway at Exit 46.

|A 2002 Mazda pickup truck driven by a 55-year-old man was traveling eastbound and crashed into a 2006 Honda Pilot driven by a 29-year-old man, authorities said.

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The Pilot’s driver stopped in the HOV lane and the Mazda came to rest in the left lane of the highway, police said.

Next, the driver of the Mazda exited his vehicle and a 2017 Rav4, driven by a 47-year-old man, crashed into the Mazda, causing it to strike the driver, who was now exiting his vehicle, police said.

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A 2011 Subaru Outback, driven by a 27-year-old man, attempted to avoid vehicles in the left lane and crossed into the HOV lane, where it was struck by a 2015 Chevy Suburban, driven by a 69-year-old man , the police said.

The driver of the Mazda was taken to a local hospital, where a hospital doctor pronounced him dead, police said.

The driver of the Outback was taken to a local hospital for evaluation; the driver of the Suburban was taken to a local hospital with chest pains; and two other occupants of the Suburban were also taken to a local hospital with minor injuries, police said.

The operators of the Rav4 and Outback remained at the scene and suffered no injuries, police said.

The investigation is ongoing, police said.

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