10 Best South Park episodes that do not concentrate on a main character

South ParkFor the most part, it is known to concentrate on the Four Main fourth (then fifth) Grader: Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny. But in the course of the show, other characters moved from the sidelines to the center, with more and more episodes being particularly powered by them. Even right from the start, the show was ready to move away from these four boys and concentrate on another of the city’s inhabitants. These are the consequences, the consequences that do not concentrate on the four or other main characters. In other words, these episodes do not focus on Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, boss, Mr. Garrison, Timmy, Jimmy, Butters or Randy (the latter four did not start as main characters, but were certainly advanced as such).

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While things like season 2 of “Ikes’s Wee” have a secondary character in the title and even concentrate very much on him, it is still at the core, an episode guided by Kyle. Not to mention that unique characters did not count. Sorry, sexual harassment panda. With these parameters there are 10 episodes of South Park This does not focus on a main character.

Wendy in “Tom’s nose correction” (season 1, episode 11)

The “Tom’s Nashorny” of the first season focuses on Wendy Testaburger, Mr. Garrison and Stan Marsh. Garrison has the B-plot with his wish to improve its physical appearance. But the main story is everything from Wendy.

While Garrison is busy with his vanity, South Park Elementary receives a new third -class teacher in Ms. Ellen (Natasha Henstridge, the first guest actor in the series in an important role). She is beautiful and attracts the attention of all boys, including Wendy’s friend Stan. At the end of the episode, Wendy (who later became the greatest altruist in the series) kidnapped Ms. Ellen from Iraqis and turned into the sun via rocket.

Terrance and Phillip in “Terrance and Phillip in not without my anus” (season 2, episode 1)

The start of the second season, “Terrance and Phillip in Not My Anus” is the final example for Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s affinity to oppose expectations, especially if it belongs to their OW nfans. Season 1 ended with the promise that the audience would learn the identity of Eric Cartman’s father in four weeks.

Then, after these four weeks passed, season 2 debut in the April Fool’s joke and the loyal spectators … didn’t do it. Instead, they got an episode that did not have a single scene with one of the four boys. They have an episode that focuses exclusively on terrance and Phillip. A brilliant bait and switch that tightened the fans without end.

Officer Barbrady in “Chickenlover” (season 2, episode 4)


It is a rarity that Officer Barbrady (who unfortunately seems to have withdrawn from the show) must be the focus. However, there are two examples of when Barbrady had a large part of the events of an episode, and it was an A-level episode. And while being The silence of the lambs-The inspired B-plot in “Toilet Paper” from season 7 is hysterical. It is a great episode, one of the best season 2, and although there is only so far the “stupid cop” fate, it can work quite well here.

Tweek and his parents in “Gnomes” (season 2, episode 17)

The narrative swing in “gnomes” is driven almost exclusively by Tweek and his parents (especially his father). When Harbucks (South ParkThe version of Starbucks) comes to the city, Mr. Tweak’s smaller coffee house is in danger of being closed.

In the meantime, the four boys (five including Tweek) are assigned a project to carry out an oral presentation through a current event in South Park. Mr. Tweak sees an opportunity to obtain public opinion on his and the side of his coffee house. To get help with the project, you not only need the talk of Mr. Tweak (which he wrote for the boys), but also the support of the small underpants gnome that Tweek tortured.

Jesus in “Are you there, God? I am Jesus” (Season 3, Episode 16)

Jesus was a presence South Park From the beginning, but only at the end of the third season he had an important role in an episode. The next one he had come Jesus and friends In the second season “The Mexican rigid frog of southern Sri Lanka”.

In “Are you there, God? I am Jesus”, he gets a full character arch and it is a lovable. He learns that, like Stan in his hurry to mature, he cannot simply ask God to make something easier (especially a show for the new millennium) that start moving.

Token in “Here Comes The Neighborhood” (season 5, episode 12)

Token (or rather Tolkien) Black is another character that was with the show from the start, but he was rarely one of the most important A-plot players. It was an integral part of season 40 of “Cartman’s Silly Hass Crime 2000”, but only the following year he was the true heart of an episode.

“Here Comes The Neighborhood” is a fairly medium episode of season 5, but when you consider that season 5 is the second best of the series (after season 8), this is more of a complement than it sounds. The core of the episode is to be accepted by token, and in the end it is recognized that it is actually accepted. It is a touching episode and one of the better representations, as the adults in the city of South Park are largely quite stupid.

Father Maxi in “Red Hot Catholic Love” (season 6 episode 8)

An episode that did not make the Catholics surprisingly aggravated, “Red Hot Catholic Love” is a risky episode. The conspiracy follows Father Maxi when he tries to save his religion from the rampant accusations of child abuse. To do this, he has to go through one Raiders of the lost ark-Types Gauntlet, miss the “water lizard” and try to convince all of his fellow priests that they should not be so dead to follow the words of the big “queue spider”.

“Red Hot Catholic Love” works so well because it is a deadly problem with even more silliness than usual. Of the Fall! Reference (the above mentioned above Raiders Sequence) and the Galgamek Catholics to the B-plot over the stool coupling from the mouth, it is a classic. In the center of the whole is the seriousness of Father Maxi and his departure in relation to the indictment against his colleagues (not to mention their approval that the charges are quite valid).

Bebe in “Bebes Büsten destroy society” (season 6, episode 10)

Bebe Stevens was a background character in the first seasons and hardly ever said one word. That gradually started to change, but not very much. For example, in season third, she is one of the many people who involve Gerald Broflovski for a lawsuit for sexual harassment. In the fourth season “Chef Goes Goes Nanners” she gives her best friend, Wendy, advice on how to overcome her very temporary swarm in Cartman.

In the sixth season “Bebes Breasts”, however, destroy society “the main fuel for the narrative. It begins to develop physically, which sends the thoughts of all boys back to the Stone Age. At the end of the episode, the novelty used its development, as well as all the attention. It is by far the most important role that Bebe ever had for the action of an episode, and outside a large supporting role in season 9 “Follow the Egge!” And “The List” of season 11, she is in silence again in the room or hovers around Wendy.

Towel in “A Million Little Fasers” (Season 10, Episode 5)

Something like a controversial South Park Character, if only because of what he loves or hate him, Towelie may be debuted in his own title episode, but he has not cited this episode. That would only come five years later with “one million little fibers”, one of the previously poorly respected episodes.

“A million little fibers” really only focuses on three characters: Towelie, Oprah and two parts of Oprah’s body. The four boys are nowhere to be seen. It is understandable why the fans were let down first, but let’s be honest, there are worse episodes of South Park. It is known whether Towelie is still a supportive figure in the face of its awareness in the entire trade line of the multi-season with Randy, but for about 15 years (after his debut in season 5) he was absolutely a secondary figure … except in this episode and season 14s “crippled summer”. In the latter, he was essentially with the management together with Jimmy.

Satan in “Hell on Earth 2006” (season 10, episode 11)

Like Jesus was Satan at South Park From the beginning (since his debut in “Damien” of season 1), and although he was certainly an integral part of the two -part season of the fourth season: “Are the disabled go to hell?” And “probably”, only in season 10 “Hell on Earth 2006”, he was the star of the show. In fact, this is the whole point of the episode.

Satan wants to throw a massive My super sweet 16-Style Halloween party in the W Hotel. He realizes that his ego is just as capable as a 16-year-old American girl was blown up. He gets a full character arch, even if he doesn’t get a Ferrari cake.

Electricity South Park To max.

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