22 years before Landman, Billy Bob Thornton played together with Patrick Swayze and Charlize Theron in this box office flop

In 2002 the satirical comedy Wake up in Reno Beat into the cinemas and bring together an impressive line -up, including Billy Bob Thornton, Patrick Swayze and Charlize Theron. The premise of the film – a RoadTrip comedy that dealt with two couples who deal with adultery, and the complications of long -term relationships – had potential. But despite its star power and the apparently promising action, the film fell flat and was One of the most remarkable cash failure of the year.

Instead, what could have been a strange examination of the marriage tensions and personal growth led to a messed up, which never knew exactly whether it was satire or slapstick. The unpleasant humor and the drama of the film triggered the audience, did not laugh real laughter and instead decided to make tired clichés and forced scenarios. What a sharp comedy should have been ended as a wasted opportunity.

Waking up in Reno takes its line -up on a cross country road trip.

Wake up in Reno Follow the mischief of two couples – Lonnie Earl Dodd (Billy Bob Thornton), a car dealer from Little Rock, Arkansas, and his wife Darlene (Natasha Richardson) and her friends Roy (Patrick Swayze) and Candy (Charlize Theron) Kirkendall. The group sets off a cross-country road trip to take part in a monster truck rally in Reno, Nevada. But things get complicated when Lonnie and Candy start an affair and are forced to spend time with their unsuspecting partners.


10 has to be romantic comedies of the 1980s, classified

The 80s are often reminded of a great decade of the cinema, and some of the best romantic comedies came out during this time after Must-Eunt.

While they travel together in a new SUV, the couples who were once close friends will soon find their relationships. Roy and Candy endeavor to found a family while the marriage of Lonnie Earl and Darlen has lost their spark. The tensions when Darlene and Roy confront their partners with their suspications and lead to misunderstandings, unpleasant moments and the kind of comedy that is only caught from the street.

Waking up in Reno has one of the most frustrating endings of all time

Charlize Theron and Billy Bob Thornton wake up in Reno
Image about Paramount

After an hour and a half of unpleasant moments and misunderstandings, the audience expected a kind of payout. Instead, they achieved a frustrating overwhelming conclusion. Wake up in Reno Closes with a scene that should offer a solution or at least a sharp comedic turn. Instead flounder. Lonnie and Candy, who have exposed their affair, have to look for their partners in a moment that should apparently feel. But instead, The scene refers to unpleasant silence and does not push the characters forward or delivers a sensible solution.

The film also leaves it open whether sweets are pregnant with lonnies child, with subtle information, but without an actual explanation.

The most frustrating part of the end is his refusal to refuse. A dramatic confrontation between the couples teases, but ultimately avoids any real depth. The film dances for the idea of ​​growth and change, but refuses to further develop its characters in a sensible way. Instead of ending with a note that gives an insight into the future of relationships, the film withdraws and decides for an unsatisfactory conclusion. After the spectators spent so much time with these characters and have observed them how they always make bad decisions, the spectators expect a feeling of closure. But the climax does not provide anything. For a film that seems to play in a character -driven comedy, he gives the opportunity to bring his chaotic act a satisfactory conclusion.

Waking up in Reno missed his satirical potential

Billy Bob Thornton and Natasha Richardson while waking up in Reno
Image about Paramount

Wake up in Reno Had all the ingredients for a spirited road trip comedy: a line occupied with stars, a cross-country adventure and the promise of laughter. Nevertheless, it could exploit its comedic potential. It is a missed opportunity that feels more like a clumsy stumbling than a well -executed comedy.

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were originally classified in the film with the leading roles, but exhibited from the project before the production began.

For a film that builds on the tension between two couples who deal with adultery and misunderstandings, one could expect a sharp, biting humor. Instead, it begins with tired clichés and predictable gags. The chemistry between the leads is wasted in favor of a script that never knows exactly whether it is trying to be a satirical comment on marriage or just a slapstick road trip film. What could have been a hilarious research of relationships in the crisis crises turns into a number of unpleasant moments that never completely land.


Despite his shortcomings, Chris Evans ‘Panned’ first film 1 of the best comedies of the 2000s is

Chris Evans did not give his film debut in another teenage film, and his pitch-performance comedic performance is a large part of what makes the film so great.

Even worse, the trust of the film in stereotypes, especially in the representation of the southern, working class characters, is lazy as satirical. It is as if the film is trying to cross a checklist with tropics without actually exploring one of them in a sensible way. The result is a hollow representation of the characters that make it difficult to invest in their comedic journey.

Waking up in Reno has registered as an important cinema bar flop

Billy Bob Thornton and Natasha Richardson waking up in Reno (2)
Image about Paramount

Despite his line -occupied cast, Wake up in Reno After its publication, quickly faded in the dark. The promise of the film could not even approximately deliver the kind of public attractiveness that would have justified its production costs.

When publishing in 2002, Wake up in Reno I fought to grasp both critics and the audience. It debuted with Little Fanfare and his performance at the box office was very bad. The film brought less than 1 million US dollars worldwide – an overwhelming number in view of the strong strength. For comparison like films like The wedding planner or Legally blondeThe one similar demographic and comedic tone of the audience was shared by far higher numbers. Even in view of the modest budget, the financial disappointment was undeniable.

Wake up in Reno’s health insurance results


$ 267.109


107,203 USD


$ 374,312

Much of this failure depends on the confused intentions of the film. The audience did not know whether it laughed at the awkwardness of the characters, as in films like Napoleon dynamiteOr sympathize with them. It was neither absurd enough to be a farce nor realistic enough to be a sensible examination of relationships. This lack of direction had cinema goers separated from the characters and uninterested under their circumstances. Even worse, there was no real emotional hook to pull the audience in.


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Teen comedies with R-Rated Teen like Superbad don’t hold back when it comes to raunchy humor. Some are even real classics that have increased the genre.

Critics did not hurried exactly to defend the film. It mainly met with negative ratings in which it was found that they did not make considerable laughs. The comedy of the film was widely and not inspired for the era, and his representation of the southern workers’ characters criticized both lazy and clichéd. What really defeated the fate of the film was marketing. The advertising of the film suggested an eccentric, cheeky comedy, but reality was far unpleasant and inconsistent. As a result, it could not attract the large audience that was needed to reach the profit threshold. The audience, which was misled by marketing and underwhelmed by the actual film, stayed away in droves.

Wake up in Reno Had everything it needed to be successful-a great line-up, a promising act and the attractiveness of a national comedy in lampoon style. But in reality it was too short in almost every round. The film’s humor was based on tired clichés and not inspired gags and lacked the opportunity to offer unforgettable comedic moments. The confusing premise did not allow the audience to ensure whether he should laugh or sympathize, which ultimately violated his cash benefit. What could have been a humorous, warm look at the relationships in the crises that instead turned into an unforgettable, uncomfortable chaos. Marketing could not match the reality of the film, so that the audience was misleading and ultimately felt uninterested. And despite its impressive cast, Wake up in Reno remains a forgotten entry in the filmographies of his stars.


Wake up in Reno

Publication date

December 13, 2002


91 minutes


Jordan Brady

  • It itar 53980768.jpg

    Charlize Theron

    Candy Kirkendall

  • Pour the placeholder picture

    Natasha Richardson

    Darlene Dodd

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    Billy Bob Thornton

    Lonnie Earl Dodd

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    Patrick Swayze

    Roy Kirkendall

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