7 Takeout containers and articles that you should never recycle

You can assume that most Takeout containers are recyclable in 2025, but this is anything but true. While some materials can almost always be secured, such as glass and paper, others have a gray area and the condition of the container plays a major role in whether it cannot be processed.

Even pizza boxes made from cardboard are not always suitable for the blue container, and the system is only less efficient. While all efforts should be greeted for recycling, your home will become an even greener at home, which Takeout container can and cannot be recycled.

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If you are wondering whether black containers, aluminum rounds, paper mussels and Chinese food boxes are recyclable, they are not alone.

I spoke to Jeremy Walters to get the hard truth about the rules and restrictions of containers’ container recycling. Walters is a passionate environmentalist and is the sustainability ambassador for the second largest recycling collector in the USA, Republic Services. He shared some important tips to remember and frequent mistakes to avoid them when it recycled at home.

You need to know the following to get the most mileage out of your blue container.

How to recycle the Takeout container properly

Styrofoam container

Styrofoam containers are a scorch in the area. If you feel comfortable if you ask your local Takeout spot not to use you anymore, you should probably do it.

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1. Make some recycling research: The most important thing you can do to optimize the process your specific area. This will probably vary depending on your apartment.

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2. Do not assume that it can be recycled: Just because a takeout container has a recycling symbol does not mean that it can be recycled where they live. Some cheaper producers of Takeout containers mark something recyclable, even if this is not the case.

3. Give them a good flush: With recycling any Takeout container, make sure that you are as clean as possible. Remaining food waste, especially fat, can lead to a material cannot be reduced.

What follows are general rules and guidelines, which Takeout container can be recycled and how best to recycle them.

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Black plastic takeout container

Most black plastic containers are not recyclable.

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These Takeout containers cannot be recycled

  1. Polystyrene foam container: These foam containers, which are often referred to as “styrofoam”, are often used for the takeover and delivery. So you probably saw them. Unfortunately, they are not recyclable and have to be thrown away.
  2. Black plastic containers: These are another popular choice for restaurants and while they are often made From recycled materials what you at least make you a bit environmentally friendly-you cannot recycled and have to be thrown. According to Walters, recycling sorting technology has not yet obtained these materials.
  3. Chinese containers and mussels: This is a different kind of container that can be recycled theoretically, but because oil often seeps into the box, they are better gone when they throw them away. In addition, many are coated with a sealant that makes them leakefest and difficult to recycle.
  4. Oil-stained pizza boxes: In theory, corrugated cardboard can be recycled, but not if it is soaked in oil or is stabilized with cheese. Happy Medium: Take the upper part of the box when it is free of oil and recycle it with your cardboard. The lower half must probably be destroyed.
  5. Plastic bags: Your food is often delivered in plastic bags, but you are not recyclable and can harm your local recycling systems. To dispose of plastic bags, put them back to the shop in which you have received you, or reuse them. Better still, do not use it at all and instead request a paper bag.
  6. Plastic utensils: Not everything made of plastic is recyclable, and the recycling of plastic utensils usually depends on your local furnishings. So contact your service provider. Even better if you give up your order, let the restaurant know that you do not need plastic silver.
  7. Soiled paper sheets and napkins: These cannot be recyclable if they are dirty with food and liquid. So instead, look for reusable, biodegradable or real disposable products.


Chinese Takeout containers can usually not be recycled.

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Some of the city, for example, Austin, Texas has composting on the roadside for paper products coated with food. Such a program may not be available in your community, but it does not hurt to check. And Block Bins, a startup introduced in Chicago with Shared bin composting, offers a similar service, even if your city or city does not do so.

Takeout container that can be recycled

Aluminum Takeout Container

Aluminum containers are recyclable and easy to clean.

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Plastic Klamshell container: Clear plastic tabout containers with a recycling symbol can be recycled. If it is a plastic container with the name No. 1 or No. 2, you can recycle it and, whenever, are possible.

Aluminum containers: Do you know those that you can never close as closely as the restaurant the first time, no matter how much you pinch? Yes, these are recyclable as long as they are clean.

Paper or cardboard container: These are often made from recycled materials And can be recycled yourself. Some are even biodegradable and compostable as long as they are thoroughly cleaned and not much fat is soaked. Even those who are not recyclable are far less toxic in the processing, combustion, burning or buried than plastic or styrofoam.

Paper bags:Many restaurants send their orders in large paper bags and they can and should be absolutely recycled or reused. Plastic bags, on the other hand, cannot be.

Clean paper products : All paper plates, napkins or pizza boxes that are notIn general, heavily soiled with fat can be recycled.

What else can you do to help?

A delivery person on a bike with a brown to help you take away

Your preferred local food joint will not even know some of the more environmentally friendly container options.

Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty

If you feel comfortable if you know your local restaurant that you appreciate it, you should use one of the many environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic and polystyrene. You can also send a polite, anonymous e -mail in which you say how much you love the food and service, but that you have a small request in the name of the earth.

You can find more green stuff in our list of most environmentally friendly meals kits And find out How to recycle metal cans properly.

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