The report shows that for long-term economic growth, nations must invest in the digital future

Emerging intelligent digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), fifth-generation mobile technology (5G) and cloud computing are rapidly changing our world and the way we live, communicate and work.

As companies embrace the fourth industrial revolution – the continuous improvement of traditional manufacturing practices through the use of data, networking, analytics and automation to achieve efficient and profitable growth – global investment in information and communications technology (ICT) is increasing, reaching 4.9 Trillions of dollars last year, a new report shows.

The Global Digitalization Index 2024, compiled by Huawei Technologies, a Chinese global provider of ICT and smart devices, and market research and analytics firm International Data Corporation, also cites World Economic Forum research that predicts digital technology and AI will grow 70% per year year will drive percent of global economic growth over the next five years.

Global leaders and policymakers are also considering how best to measure the return on digital infrastructure investments, evaluate their ICT ecosystems and develop a strategy to expand their digital footprint.

Digitalization contributes to prosperity

The report aims to provide these answers by examining and quantifying the progress of digital development in 77 countries, representing 93 percent of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) and 80 percent of the world’s population.

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