How to Search for Unclaimed Property and Cash in Texas – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Do you have money waiting to be claimed? It might be time to do the search again if it’s been a while since the last search for unclaimed property.

Billions unclaimed in Texas

In Texas, the comptroller’s office currently has more than $9 billion in cash and other unclaimed assets. The value of these holdings ranges from pennies to millions of dollars, according to Bryant Clayton, deputy director of the unclaimed property division of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.

“We have made claims of all sizes,” Clayton said. “The average claim we see is between about $1,000 and $2,000 and includes one or two properties.”

Clayton explains that the money may have come from sources such as an old bank account, an insurance payment or an uncollected loan.

“Utility deposits are a big issue. You move, you set up a new utility account, and after a few years you might move again. “You forget that you put down a deposit that you have to get back,” Clayton said.

To search, go to and enter your name. Check other names you have used, e.g. B. a girl’s name. Also try out common misspellings of your name.

Look for unclaimed property in other states where you lived. This website offers a simple search function.

Clayton adds: “Think about your parents, think about your grandparents. If you are one of their legal heirs, you should think about the states in which they lived.”

If you receive compensation for unclaimed property in Texas, you can file a claim online. The comptroller’s office will send you an application form. You will be informed whether additional documents are required from you. For the simplest property claims in your name, Clayton said people could receive a check within seven to 10 business days. Depending on your requirements, the process may take longer.


You can expand your search beyond state databases. There are other types of unclaimed property held by other companies.

NBC 5 Responds told you about a North Texan who got more than $1,700 back after using this HUD search to track down an old mortgage insurance payment.

The Department of Labor has an unpaid wages database that can be searched by employer.

You may not receive retirement benefits if an old employer has lost track of you.

Here you can search for unclaimed money from old savings bonds.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has a life insurance policy search facility.

You can collect the money you are owed from the bankruptcy court. You would search for a creditor or debtor name.

Some individuals may be entitled to a federal income tax refund. For example, you may have worked part-time in recent years or not earned enough to file a tax return. However, your employer may still have federal income tax withheld from your paycheck. To find out, you would have to fill out a return. There are tax software programs that will assist you by completing previous years’ tax returns (2021, 2022, 2023). If you are entitled to a refund, you must file your return within three years of the return due date to claim it.

The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators has this list of national and international sources for checking for unclaimed property. According to NAUPA’s 2024 fiscal year report, the average claim amount paid through was $2,080.

The Texas Comptroller shares this list with other databases, including places to search for minerals.

Some companies help find unclaimed property for a fee or commission, but consumers don’t have to pay anyone to claim their money. In Texas, the comptroller’s website explains that heir searchers or asset recovery companies must be licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Private Security Bureau. Fees cannot exceed 10 percent of the value of the abandoned property recovered.

When searching for unclaimed real estate sources, be sure to closely examine any websites you land on to ensure they are legitimate.

“There are websites that will try to impersonate our website and intercept your information,” Clayton said.

The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts office is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday. You can also file your claim online.

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