Max Wise discusses his new role as Kentucky Senate Majority Leader

Max Wise discusses his new role as Kentucky Senate Majority Leader

ONLY CHOSEN TO REPLACE HIM. Republicans have a commanding majority, both here in the Senate and on the other side of the House. AND YOU MAY THINK THAT MEANS YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. But for leaders like Max Wyse, one of their most important jobs is building consensus. Keep everyone in line so Republicans can continue to pass legislation with conservative priorities. I don’t know what size Damon wore, but I’m a size 12, so I don’t know if I could slip into his shoes, but I have my own shoe size. In fact, they are big shoes to fill. DAMON THAYER CARRIES THE TORCH ON CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES LIKE MEDICAL MARIJUANA AND SPORTS BETTING, AND HE HELPS REPUBLICANS PASS CONTROVERSIAL LEGISLATION TO CREATE CHARTER SCHOOLS AND MAKE KENTUCKY A RIGHT TO WORK STATE. You know, I was just watching old footage of the meeting to make sure how things were done in terms of the rules. And I read through the rule book and actually got this right. But Max Wyse, a former FBI agent, is no stranger to hard work. He carried a school safety bill that would require armed security officers on every campus and supported Senate Bill 150 of 2023, which critics say targeted gay and transgender students but which Republicans say guarantees parents’ say in the education of their children. I’ve never been the type to shy away from potentially controversial topics or just big political questions. And then when, you know, an opportunity came up with an opening in a leadership position, I thought, you know what? I’m not afraid of losing in this upcoming session, Weiss says he expects the Republican supermajority to pass another federal income tax cut. AND TO REVIEW A PROPOSAL THAT PASSED LAST YEAR TO ELIMINATE DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION PROGRAMS IN STATE-FUNDED INSTITUTIONS. I think we have the mindset that we will continue to be about fiscally conservative responsibility coupled with conservative family values. I don’t think we’ll deviate from the railway line we’re traveling on. REPORT

Max Wise discusses his new role as Kentucky Senate Majority Leader

Sen. Max Wise says he is committed to advancing conservative priorities in the Kentucky Senate by taking on the role of majority leader. Wise was elected to the office following the retirement of Damon Thayer, who left the Senate after more than 20 years. “I don’t know what size Damon wore, but I wear a size 12,” Wise told WLKY News on Tuesday. “So I don’t know if I could follow in his footsteps, but I have my own shoe size.” As leader of the majority caucus, Wise will take on many tasks, from managing the flow of daily meetings to managing the expectations of his colleagues Consensus Building in the Republican Caucus. “I’ve never been one to shy away from controversial topics or just big political issues, so when the opportunity came up to be in a leadership position, I thought, you know what? “I don’t have a fear of losing,” Wise said.

Sen. Max Wise says he is committed to advancing conservative priorities in the Kentucky Senate by taking on the role of majority leader.

Wise was elected to the office following the retirement of Damon Thayer, who retired from the Senate after more than 20 years.

“I don’t know what size Damon wore, but I wear a size 12,” Wise told WLKY News on Tuesday. “So I don’t know if I could follow in his footsteps, but I have my own shoe size.”

As chairman of the majority caucus, Wise will take on many responsibilities, from managing the flow of daily meetings to managing the expectations of his colleagues to helping build consensus within the Republican caucus.

“I’ve never been one to shy away from controversial topics or just big political issues, so when the opportunity came up to be in a leadership position, I thought, you know what? “I don’t have a fear of losing,” Wise said.

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