The local Christmas tree farm is keeping prices low despite a nationwide price increase

Christmas is still about three weeks away and some people are still looking for the perfect Christmas tree. According to the American Christmas Tree Association, Christmas tree prices have increased 10 percent since last year.

“That’s why prices went up, it’s the hurricane,” Paul Waddell said. “North Carolina got hammered. So many trees come from there.”

Despite a nationwide spike in live Christmas tree prices, Paul Waddell, owner of W-8 Christmas Tree Farm and Ranch, says they’ve been able to stay afloat.

“All of our trees grow here,” Waddell said. “We’re not bringing anything from the Northwest or North Carolina. Everything is from a seed that we cut. From the time I plant a seed to the time you cut down a tree, it’s seven years of taking care of it, watering it, weeding it, and just being a good steward. There are many enemies that have our trees out here.”

One of those enemies is drought, to which Abilene and the surrounding areas are no strangers. But W-8 Christmas Tree Farm and Ranch says they’ve been able to keep their grounds moist.

Water is important,” Waddell said. “I have groundwater. I am blessed with a well. Without a well, I couldn’t grow the trees.”

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