Microsoft’s Copilot can now surf the web with you when you’re in early preview

  • Microsoft’s AI assistant is now in the Copilot Vision preview
  • Copilot is now available in a limited beta for a select few and can surf the web in Edge
  • It’s completely voluntary, but you can chat with Copilot about what you see

Similar to how Windows Recall gives AI access to what’s on your screen, Microsoft is rolling out a similar experience for Copilot in a limited preview. Originally announced alongside Microsoft’s redesign of its AI assistant, Copilot Vision is now rolling out as an early preview to a select few in the US.

As its name suggests, Copilot allows you to see what’s on your screen, particularly in Microsoft’s Edge browser, so it can virtually surf the web with you. This allows you to ask topical questions about what you see – be it an illustration, a video, type-based text, or even handwriting. And no, you don’t have to type them out, you can just talk to Copilot using your voice.

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