Gina Rodriguez Teases New Season 3 Character (Exclusive)

Below Will Trent With Season 2’s epic cliffhanger leaving the future of Will Trent (Ramón Rodríguez) and Angie (Erika Christensen) in limbo, the long-awaited Season 3 promises to answer at least some of our most pressing questions. Some new characters are also introduced, such as Marion Alba, played by Jane the Virginis Gina Rodriguez – who is not related to the show’s star, although they share a last name. However, the two have been good friends for over a decade.

“A lot of it came about because we really wanted to work together,” Gina Rodriguez said of Rodríguez. “Even though Ramón Rodríguez is my close friend, before joining the cast I wasn’t particularly keen on police procedurals. So I stuffed everything and became obsessed. I also realized that not all police procedures are the same. And this one is really, really good and really next level and really character driven. It’s just delicious and organic and complex. It’s so well written and complex.”

Will Trent Season 3 Cast

Disney/Nino Muñoz

Rodriguez couldn’t reveal much about the new season, but if we can base our opinion on her enthusiasm alone, it’s going to be a good one. “There are a lot of incredible things happening this season,” she said. “I’m coming as an assistant district attorney. Normally I play a hot mess, but that’s not the case in this scenario and it’s really wonderful and fun and different for me. I’m trying to think of what I can tell you without spoiling it for everyone. I can tell you that my first encounter with Will wasn’t great.”

One thing Rodriguez could tell us is that her wardrobe is going to be pretty awesome. “Oh my God, my wardrobe is insane,” Rodriguez shared. “The wardrobe helps me come out of myself in a way that I’ve never (experienced) before. It allows me to be someone different, to stand differently, to walk differently, to present myself differently. Also, it seems to me that these people are real and alive and colorful, and this is not the usual situation at a police station or a district attorney’s office.”

Will TrentSeason three premieres, January 7, ABC

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