After the government’s criticism, Emmanuel Macron finally wanted to realize the scenario

“Je ne comprends pas qu’Emmanuel Macron ne comprenne pas que les Français ne comprenne pas”ironically a Député Macroniste. The reason for this lack of understanding between the President of the Republic and his opinion is an election rejected by the National Assembly. My goodness, on December 5th, the head of state was not only condemned by the Michel Barnier government, but also by the appointment as the new Prime Minister “in the next few days”However, it is additional revenue from the minutes of the decision of June 9, requested under Article 12 of the Constitution for the organization of expected legislative elections.

I am defending a decision “inevitable” After the result of the European Parliament and the historic defeat of the Rassemblement National (RN), Emmanuel Macron explored this “Decision (n’avait) pas été include.”at-il ajouté. “The head of the state tried to explain this dissolution, but he could not be convinced of the opinion. With a large majority in France, he is responsible for this situation,” analyze Mathieu Gallard, head of studies at Ipsos. Selon and sondage Odoxa pour Le FigaroAs of December 5, 46% agreed with French leader Emmanuel Macron on the current situation, ahead of RN (11%) and the New Front (10%). Furthermore, adds Mathieu Gallard, “The president’s guilt is extremely limited because I cannot understand my opinion until I read it. The position is not ideal for convincing the French.”

As the president of the camp, the person had no idea that the head of the state had developed a clever strategy. “I don’t have to think about the fact that I’m at great fault, Sourit le Député Ensemble pour la République (EPR) Eric Bothorel. I was just there, and at that moment I couldn’t make the slightest concession because I had a dull idea. “Ce n’est pas here soir qu’il allait le faire”. However, note Mathieu Gallard, the resolution “It is the reason why the absolute majority absence and state instability have been lost.” Emmanuel Macron, he was expecting us “Tempos de clarification essential” As he spoke of dissolution, he was rebuffed by government condemnation every week after the nomination and a caucus broke up into three irreconcilable blocs. Without considering that he cannot be moved to the lower parliament building before the proclamation begins. A political crisis caused the republic.

“It is stupid to organize a legislative election because a European election is tainted. In politics, that is dynamic. Or: The dynamic is quite the opposite.”Judge, in a documentary I distributed on France Télévisions, President of the RN Group, Marine Le Pen. “C’est un échec incroyable”Cingle, son of Côté, Patrick Kanner, patron of the Senator PS, without computer (Michel) Barnier presented us with a profile that he could use for a long time. Result: The old European Commissioner had been the incumbent Prime Minister since 1958.

“It may be that the resolution is not a good idea, with 100 million people for us and the whole board.”was currently exploring the proximity of Emmanuel Macron, who was unable to justify the election of the president to the entire state. I don’t think the Macronists had to deal with criticism of their chef’s decision. “Emmanuel Macron has modernized France, increased the attractiveness of his country and captured it in a single party, in a coup de tete.”Judge Jean-François Copé on franceinfo.

“Ce n’est pas une petite faute tactique qu’il a compise. Il a mis le pays à terre.”

Jean-François Cope

on franceinfo

The consequences will affect a president’s own image. “On sent (qu’Emmanuel) “Macron is demonized”watch an influential MP EPR. Désormais, the delicate music of an expected dismissal of the head of the nation – especially of the main person who is interested in her speech – is enthusiastic not only from LFI or RN, but also from people from the center. “I left the majority of French people to get rid of them. Before the dissolution I had nothing left.”Note Mathieu Gallard.

C’est avant tout pour “redonner le choix” In French, Emmanuel Macron justified his decision in June by devoting his troops to a campaign that was difficult to achieve. Four months later, this dispute is defended by a group of his troops. “Maybe I think that I am a conservative, a real politician, but I will not force them to demand the opinion of the comrades “constate un conseiller de l’executif. “I would like to return to the presidency, but this is the fruit of the elections. It is a fair commitment for us that the French did not let us be satisfied with the result.”in the name of Eric Bothorel, the result of the ballot box could not be attributed to Emmanuel Macron.

“A decision with which there is no need to argue is expensive, the final result is not in the hands of the president, but above all in the free expression of French and French.”

Eric Bothorel, Vice Macron

à franceinfo

For the socialist Patrick Kanner, the result of the first hour was a mistake in the appreciation of the head of the state. The macronomic camp enforces a fair campaign in a court hearing and adjusts to the divisions of its opponents. “Emmanuel Macron has been thinking for a long time that the election campaign of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in opposition to Raphaël Glucksmann in Europe would not be, or, preferably, handed over, by a new electoral agreement.”in advance the patron of the Senator PS.

In the run-up to the upcoming elections, the head of the state called for a motion of no confidence, which the tenant should approve. “The parliamentary equation will be difficult to maintain, the oppositions gave their plus points for their voluntary voters in a motion of censure in the autumn.”until a two-day press conference after the surprise announcement of the dissolution. “La censure, c’est notre arme anti-impôts”recently Olivier Marleix, president of the group Les Républicains à l’Assemblée dans Les Echoeswith regard to the future budget.

“La censure était programmée pour le 15 octobre, Olivier Marleix la brandissait tous les jours”rappelle aujourd’hui François Patriat, Senator Macronist of Côte-d’Or. “Mieux valait avoir une dissolution decided to achieve a dissolution before the autumn, and se faire imposer thecalendrier”trace back. “Emmanuel Macron thought he was on the move, on initiative, and did not subdue the coupexplain to us. That means: “Je dissous et j’essaye d’impulser une dynamique”, i.e. “Je dissous parce que j’y suis force”. Since the analysis may be an after-the-fact error, people may not be responsible for the border. Those who are not compelled must submit a late motion of censure in the case. Obviously, it is possible that another person represents the opinion of Emmanuel Macron, who is not on the right track.

According to Mathieu Gallard, the argument about the threat of censorship was not printed in the statement. “Ce n’est pas convaincant pour les Francais”.

“This idea of ​​a motion of censure that will be forced to vote by LR in the fall is not that I have chosen for the French to raise their voice.”

Mathieu Gallard, head of studies at Ipsos

à franceinfo

Since 2022, the third party has regulated the threat of a motion of no confidence against the governments of Elisabeth Borne by Gabriel Attal par la réforme des retraites.

Under the president of the camp, it is currently considered with certainty that in any case the right to force rejection by the voter has been enforced due to the difficult budgetary context and the successive revelations about the impending public financial situation. “If the pot with the rose has appeared, the motion of censure is no longer valid. But this is not the right time, this is not the case.”Judge of the old deputy modem Bruno Millienne.

With the adoption of the motion of censure against the government of Michel Barnier, the scenario that the President wanted to adopt until the end through its implementation. “Tout ça pour en Arrivaler là… I don’t know what the clarification is about”initiate a deputy from the central bloc after voting on the Mercredi. Emmanuel Macron rejected the pensioner’s restraint and returned to the fringes of the national scene after criticism from his prime minister. There is a risk of crystallization, a new problem, tensions among the person.

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