Metrobus limited service Tuesday due to snow on side roads – NBC4 Washington

According to WMATA, Metro buses will operate on snow service Tuesday, meaning the number of bus routes will be reduced from 193 to 42.

WMATA says more bus routes could come back online later today. Metrorail is expected to operate normally.

Slush and snow combined with freezing temperatures could make roads slippery.

It’s been years since DMV road crews have had to deal with conditions like these, but the message remains the same: Stay off the roads if you can.

“If you can and need to go somewhere, the best thing is to just stay home and give us the space to work,” said Danny King with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation.

Emergency crews were working around the clock and hundreds of trucks were on the roads on Monday.

“Don’t overdo the conditions, slow down, take your time and make sure you give the plow drivers and all other vehicles enough room to work,” King said.

County officials said crews spent most of the day focusing on repaving major roads and emergency routes. After another round of evening snow, they planned to tackle more side and residential streets.

“We have also been actively working to clear the over 100 miles of sidewalks the county is responsible for clearing and our bus stops,” said Christopher Conklin, the director of the Montgomery County Department of Transportation.

And while district crews continue to work on the roads through Tuesday, officials say there is good news: calls for help to the police and fire departments were completely normal despite the bad weather.

“Our call volume numbers are largely consistent. Just a small increase in calls for service, but not much more than we would normally see at this point,” said Chief Corey Smedley of Montgomery County Fire and Rescue. “I think that’s partly because the community has followed our recommendation, and that includes things like staying off the streets and making sure you check on your neighbors, especially the vulnerable population.”

And if you’re walking, county officials stress that you should use the sidewalk even if it’s covered in snow.

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