Expert warns against long bathroom breaks at holiday gatherings to prevent health risks

Thanksgiving is on Thursday and that means families gather around the table to enjoy a warm holiday meal.

However, any family gathering can get a little hectic at times and you may be looking for a place to take a break.

However, some experts warn against choosing the bathroom for your escape.

The gastroenterologist Dr. Sheldon Taub says if you’re hiding in the bathroom, don’t sit on the toilet the whole time.

He says too many people sit on the toilet longer than necessary because they take their cell phones into the bathroom and get distracted by playing games, texting, reading email and even surfing social media. In the case of the holidays, just to get away for a while.

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Dr. Taub explains that this is a big no-no because gravity works against you when designing toilets and can lead to many problems down the road.

“So there is a lot of pressure in this area. “The pressure as the blood flows in slows the flow of the blood out…so the vessels in that area swell,” Dr. Taub told CBS12 News.

“Are hemorrhoids the biggest risk we face from spending too much time on the toilet?” asked CBS12 News reporter Stefany Valderrama.

“Well, that’s a good question. Is it the biggest risk? It’s part of a risk,” he said.

Dr. Taub says a good rule of thumb is to spend no more than 10 minutes on the toilet.

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