“Sulle orme della sclerosi multipla – La pienezza della vita”. The presentation to Copertino

Domani a Copertino presso la chiesa delle Clarisse l’associazione Azione Parallela with the collaborazione delle Giubbe Verdi Salento presents primarily the new book by Maria De Giovanni “Sulle orme della sclerosi multipla – La pienezza della vita”.
The event is promoted by the region, the province and the municipality of Copertino.
I am looking for a variety of scientific findings, described with rigorous scientific rigor, but not limited to a minimum – the foundations of science are diverse and have to do with the development of all forward-looking future prospects Interiori e rconsiderare le nostre priority “. However, on the first page of this text you understand that Malta does not provide an opportunity to achieve the professionalism and beauty of life.
Sandro Calcagnile, Chief Physician in Cardiology, Head of the School Faculty of the Bachelet and the General Institute of San Giuseppe Da Copertino.
Saranno also presented Vincenzo De Giorgi, the Regional Assessor Sebastiano Leo, the Provincial President Stefano Minerva, the Director Asl Lecce Stefano Rossi, the Deputy Governor Don Adriano Dongiovanni, the President Fidapa Copertino Vittoria Trinchera and the Vice-Sindaco of the Municipality of Aradeo Georgia Tramacere.

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