Javier Aguirre’s priority was the rendimiento of the equipment on the Front River

City of Mexico — Javier Aguirre, technical director of the Mexican football selection, made sure that he had stopped in the duel he had to face before River Plate passed the marker on the second board because his interest lay in the players’ goal.

Lea said: Mexico against the river, just like an hour ago in Mexico’s election campaign

The comment comes from the pre-match press conference and after Victoria’s 2-0 win against Inter Porto Alegre in Brazil. Vasco was also convinced that he lost the elements that no Vieron tackled and Andrés Sánchez took over the title holder.

“I have a good part of the preparation for both, it is important to me that the equipment is very personal, that it is in the game and that I have nothing against it.” “Va a ser un partido complicado,” explained at the conference .

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El Vasco said that the river was full because it could not allow fire to break through.

“Andrés Sánchez was the defending champion because he did not participate in the game because he was on the way to the marker in the second plan, I am interested in the performance of the players,” he added.

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Explain to me that all customers received an inspection certificate immediately because you received it with the request for 100% and more.

“Tengo tres reglas absurdas: no tener el celular en las comidas, en las charlas; “Les dimos tarde libre y lo hicieron muy bien, en cuanto a la professionalidad y la conducta detro y fuera de la cancha, ya conmigo aprobaron,” in detail.

The national technician informed that in this phase of Sudamérica he met the expectation that the fighters did not agree with the tribunes to help them and move into enemy areas.

Applause from the Salida de Huerta in Europe

Finally, Vasco congratulates César Huerta’s party on Belgian football and ensures that his remorse has gone to another player, more Maduro and the goodness of the mayor.

“Fantastic, it’s great, from the forest and not alone in the wilderness, it is very important that the sea is important because it has already been a year for your heritage to accumulate, and to last the longest, manage and can guard,” he said. “Chino” is an example, the day that we all think of, and when I tell him that he also gives me the honor that the Federals have.”

Asimismo, the selector agradece that Pumas has apoyado al jugador para salir of país.

“I am thrilled that I give you the order to leave your house, gentlemen, you are always more attentive in all situations and have committed yourself to the highest degree,” said Vasco. “As I was making my way, it was really an outstanding player and it was like playing Mexican football.”

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