Dear Annie: Know how to find support when older abuse is suspected

Dear Annie: I regularly read their columns and saw stories in which people over 60 people were exploited or completely abused. Her latest letter from “Desperate Sisters”, the duo, who has been taking care of her fleeting nephew for almost 20 years and tries to remove him from her house, is a first -class example.

I hope you will continue to support and refer people with domestic violence and resources, but I also ask you to absorb hotlines for abuse of local abuse in cases with older adults. Since the agencies vary depending on the location, the National Eldercare Locator is a good starting point. Abuse comes in many forms, but laws like the older Justice Act protect the vulnerable. If someone, whether a relative, a friend, a neighbor, home health or a stranger, takes up money, medication, food or accommodation from an oldest without his consent, it is illegal.

As a former investigator of Elder abuse, I successfully intervened when criminal prosecution failed. I have contributed to clearing off the criminals, calling in money and things and combining victims with resources to ensure their security. In order to find the available resources in any US area, older visibility can be extremely helpful. Your number is 1-800-677-1116, or there is an online locator that only has to enter the postcode of the older period ( There are many, many resources for victims of crime, but only if you know where you have to look for them.

Thank you and continue to support you! – Elder Advocate

Dear older lawyer: Thank you for your letter and years of service in this area. Protecting vulnerable is crucial, especially older people who are exploited and abused far too often. I will pass on this incredible resource absolutely via helplines and now.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].

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