Destiny 2 Barrow Dyad Exotic Quest Guide: Start and completely from deralize

Ah, bungie. From time to time, the Destiny 2 guardian developer surprises worldwide by subtly launching a mission or tacitly adding secrets to the game. This time the exotic mission of Barrow Dyade was reset to play with the weekly and added at all without warning.

Fortunately, we found out how to locate the new derealize exotic mission, how to start it, and we have a step-by-step instructions on how to get the bizarre SMG into your hands.

Nether -mislays

If you have already played Destiny 2 episode heresia, you will be familiar with the sub -activity. In the past, we thought that you had to reload it until you spawn on the Trenchway or the Hall of Souls, but it seems that you can start the exotic quest from any landing zone in the downfall. Perhaps you may have a little more search in your hands before you can trigger the quest steps.

The hidden path to the Sung.
The hidden path to the Sung.

You want to search for a large lazy. If you follow some hidden platforms, jump on the floor after teleporting after a plate. If you have difficulty finding the route, take your mind out and the platforms are briefly displayed.

Symbols and fragments

You will then see a symbol together with a message that is displayed on your hud to the left. In our case it says: “Something whispers to the right …”, climb in the same direction in which this message has and you are teleported. You will see a ankle fragment in a stone bowl: collect it.

The symbol and its corresponding guideline message
The symbol and its corresponding guideline message

Scotopic Rune

Then visit the record in the apartment in Eris in the lost city and buy the Scotopian rune upgrade and activate it. This is a level three rune improvement. After you have activated it, you will receive the quest from Takenpfad with the next step to find it with something the beehive in the port of grief.

Lost sector column

Visit the K1 openness in the port of grief. There you see a failure that leads to a plate, similar to that of the underside. Note the symbol again, follow its direction and kill the taken up the fragment. Repeat this process in the forgotten coast, Veles Labyrinth. The silence will be in the labyrinth area.

The bony fragmentThe bony fragment
The bony fragment

Curse quests

After completing the two lost sectors, they return to the record in the last city. This will be the beginning of three “curse” -triggering of the endurance, the curse of urgency and the curse of the revenge, all of which must be broken. These are in the altars of grief, the sanctified grove and the nightmare hunt: proud. You will find a relic in every area. The killing of enemies expands the timer it shows. As soon as an area is open and this enables you to do the Take Relic.

After that, you have to return to sub -activity. In every area, similar to the King’s autumn takeover, there will be a beehive statue with which you have to interact. This will produce a mini boss. After the defeated, another Osseous fragment will be you to collect it. Only after you have excluded all the steps do you start the exotic quest yourself with the name Derealize.

The alize exotic missionThe alize exotic mission
The alize exotic mission

Derealize Quest

The mission is quite uncomplicated: you will face some tormentors and other territory talks while pursuing a commander. If you then reach a large arena, repeat some of the steps you need to unlock the mission and deal with more curses with a teas of the taken. After the curse has been enabled with the relic, the mini boss can be damaged. Repeat the process to reduce the boss and enter another phase of the search for mistakes that contain symbols.

Deralize Quest entranceDeralize Quest entrance
Deralize Quest entrance

Follow the short jumping puzzle and claim the damaged fragment. Follow another, longer jumping puzzle until you finally find the final boss. Derealize is an extremely frequent quest, so we will not spoil anything here, but pay attention to it if this is your thing. The Barrow Dyad Exotic is a guaranteed drop when ending derealize.

After you have completed it, another quest begins with which you can get intrinsic upgrades for Barrow Dyade. Note that you have to be at least nine in the plate so that this can be reached. You also have to localize and secure more fragments, but these can easily be found in the sub -activity.

Exotic SMG from Barrow Dyade

The Exotic SMG from Barrow Dyad is a strange-looking weapon. The weapon is shaped like a slice and has the panic reaction of exotic advantages, which means that it is generated in the event of damage. If it does not shoot, the Blight and the magazine of the weapon gradually refill. The reload converts stored lazy to faulty seekers who pursue enemies and cause large amounts of damage.

If you are looking for some of the other new arms of Destiny 2, including exotic, we also have a dedicated guide for it.

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