Today ‘Wurm’ #1335 Notes, information and answer for Thursday, February 13th

Are you looking for wormnotes, clues and answer on Tuesday? You can find them here:

ForbesToday ‘Wurm’ #1334 Notes, information and answer for Wednesday, February 12th

Thor’s day is just around the corner and that means that yesterday was the worm on Wednesday. Every Wednesday I give you an additional challenge if you want to accept it in the form of a puzzle or brain leaser. Then I remove the answer on Thursday.

This was yesterday:

Small thief in a green area,

Takes away from giants that have never been seen before.

Silent fingers, fast and smart,

Contact gold and die.

What am I?

The answer is a sheet (the thief in Green Cloak) that falls in autumn (from giant) and ends up on earth and turns into gold before it finally crumbles into dust.

Okay, worm time!

How to loosen today’s worm

The note: Afro-Cuban music.

The note: This worm ends in a vowel.

OK, Spoiler below!




The answer:


Every day I check the wormbot to analyze my installment game. You can check your Wordles with wormpot Exactly here.

Well, that was a very difficult worm! Anime gave me 2 yellow boxes and I only had 44 words, but I only had the worst time to find a green box. Mayor ordered things into more yellow. Scram has reduced my remaining words to 2, but still no green boxes! All I could think of at this point was Umbra, but it wasn’t. Finally I had a green box and only one word to choose from: Rumba for victory. Finally!

Competitive cubes

At that time I act 2s. I have -2 days ago, yesterday I have +2. Today I get -1 because I guessed in five and -1 for the loss of the bots that only made four attempts. -2 Again!

How to play competitive worm

  • Guessing in 1 is worth 3 points; Guessing in 2 is worth 2 points; Guessing in 3 is worth 1 point; Guessing in 4 is worth 0 points; Guessing in 5 is -1 points; Guessing in 6 is -2 points and the lack of the worm is -3 points.
  • If you hit your opponent, you get 1 point. When you build, you will receive 0 points. And if you lose your opponent, you get -1 points. Add it to get your score. Take a daily run every day or play for a new score every day.
  • On Fridays there are 2XP, which means that you double your points – positive or negative.
  • You can keep a player or simply play every day. Enjoy!

Today’s worm etymology

The word rumba Comes from Spanish, originally “party” or “Spree”. It probably comes from the verb Clear (to celebrate, have fun), which can come from the Spanish word even Rumbo (means “course” or “direction”, but also the festivity). The term was taken over in Cuba in the late 19th century to describe a style of Afro-Cuban music and dance that was influenced by African rhythms and Spanish traditions.

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