“Abrite is your friend”: More comments from JPMorgan’s Town Hall

  • An audio recording by Jamie Dimon’s WFH Tirade in a JPM Rathaus has become viral.
  • Business Insider received a copy of the recording of last week from Columbus, Ohio.
  • Here is more of what he said at the far -reaching meeting, from AI to CFPB.

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan, has become a TikTok sensation when he recently beats employees in a home home-from home sensation.

However, audio recordings of the meeting indicate that long -distance work was only a piece of the conversation. Dimon also asked questions from employees and dealt with a variety of problems, from the question of whether KI will replace their work, until his request for improved “efficiency increases” for their work-life balance in accordance with the copies of the business insider Band. At some point he encourages the employees to welcome the AI ​​of job theft and to say: “Wearing is her friend.”

A TIKTOK video of Dimon’s comments published by Barron’s financial publication has achieved 2.4 million views. This thanks to its colorful and direct explanation of why the bank calls all employees back to the office five days a week from March.

“And don’t give me the shit that works on the work of houses,” said Dimon of the crowd, according to the recording, the BI reached a copy of a copy. “I call a lot of people on Fridays and there is no damn person they can get.”

Dimon made the comments in a town hall in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednesday after the opening of a nearby branch with a community center. JPMorgan is a great presence in Ohio, including one headquarters in which, according to a press release, around 12,000 employees were housed after renovation work in 2023. At that time, the company described the building as the “largest” office space in the company.

Here is part of what he said, including his thoughts about President Trump’s dismantling of the Financial Protection Bureau consumer and his advice to young people. The comments are processed in places for length and clarity.

Like an improved efficiency on JPM employees

At a time of the meeting, Dimon deals with a more efficient job and what it could mean for workers’ work life balance.

“We could be far more efficient and we should always think that way. This is not to torture our people. I want you to have a great life, I don’t want you to revise,” he said. “But I think the reduction in bureaucracy will literally reduce cancer. I think Could be wrong. “

Take jobs

Dimon answered a question about KI by saying that he would expect the technology to “eliminate” some jobs. However, he advised the employees to welcome the threat and find out how they can adapt. “Wear is your friend,” he said.

“You know that some of your jobs will change – for many of you it will be a copilot, for many of you it will take the plackerie away, and it can also remove the jobs. And for that I don’t want my head in the sand Stuck.

In young people who fall back

At one point in the call, an intern of software engineering asked for Jamie’s earlier commentary on young people who fall inside, including the challenges they face and how he wants to help. He replied by repeating the advantages of his return to Office mandate.

“Yes, no, I think those who fall behind them, those who are not full -time here. (Laughing) No, no, I’m pretty serious,” he said. “It is the ones who are not here who meet fewer people, less learn, are challenged, are not placed on the same number of teams because they are not here – you know, and that’s what I talk about.”

On Trump, who has broken down the CFPB

Dimon also dealt with the efforts of President Trump to reduce CFPB, which was created after the financial crisis to protect consumers on the financial market. The agency has collected around 19.7 billion US dollars in consumer aid through its enforcement measures, including some against JPmorgan.

Dimon said that he thinks the CFPB had some advantages, but he welcomed Trump’s removal of the director Rohit Chopra in the early this month and the view that the agency should be an arm of the office of the Currency’s compatroller.

“The only thing I will say about CFPB is that it is good that FHA does it.” You have massively exceeded your authority. I think it makes no difference for me.

Financial regulation without banks

Dimon suggested that the CFPB could better be used according to non -banks.

“You may want a CFPB for non -benches. Think of the payday loan and all of these other things that are not regulated. It makes sense what is fair, how the products should be evaluated or not evaluated, but I assume that you will be very hard on the CFPB, and the CFPB deserves it.

On the bank’s fintech errors

In response to a question about growth in 2025, Dimon recalled the employees that the bank has to recognize the competition and avoid complacition. As an example, he spoke about his and the failures of the bank when he competed with FinTech and even Bulden Backet banks such as Bank of America.

“Don’t say, we are the best in the world. Suppose you do something better. Even Bank America does something better than we do. I know, but (laughter) it is the digital world. They were in digitally. Didn’t have the best payments, including me.

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