How much snow will DC see in the next winter storm?

Here is our first consideration about our snow opportunities next week …

Kaitlyn McGrath, Topper Shutt, Miri Marshall

10:34 p.m. ESt 14th February 2025

5.16 p.m. ESt 16 February 2025



  • Prepare for difficult travel conditions
  • Effects of air travel
  • Plan school delays and closures

Ready or not … more snow comes here! Snow lovers who separate excitement, it is still much too early to arrest the exact forecast. Non-Snow lovers, I’m sorry, it very likely looks that this will be a solid snowstorm.

  • This is a classic winter storm setup
  • It will be a pure snow event
  • Timeframe is Wednesday to Thursday
  • It has more potential to be a stronger storm than our previous storms this winter

What we still determine:

  • The exact trace and intensity of the storm
  • How much snow will accumulate

How much snow?

The trace of the storm will determine how much snow we can expect. The path of the storm is still a certain uncertainty to nail the exact amount. At the moment you can plan at least 5 inch snow in the area. What is new? Models have shown that some heavier bands change from projected snow to the south. Models have also reduced the amounts of snow, but still bring an effective snow into the region. Most of the snow will fall on Wednesday after 12:00 p.m. The snow will take off early Thursday afternoon.

Here is a look at what we work with …

Two reliable, long-term forecast tools we use are the GFS (also called the American model) and the European model. The GFS currently has a general 2 – 6 “snow for the region with a few areas along the southern Marylands 8 inches or more. In previous runs, GfS had 4 to 8 inches, so it used a little of the numbers.

The European model is much more aggressive and still beats us with snow, but at the weekend it also retired a little. It now has a range of 4 to 12 “. Earlier runs on the European model had 10 – 24” snow.

We are sure that it will accumulate snow.

Relatives: Most of the greatest winter storms from DC have occurred in or near this vacation

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