“Scaned, angry and angry”: The cuts of the forest service met Idahos Payette National Forest after Trump Administration Order

More than 150 displaced and parishioners gathered in McCall to protest the layoffs and to express concerns about their effects on public land management.

Idaho, USA -The US forest service has released 3,400 workers nationwide after a Trump administration directive to terminate federal employees has been terminated on probation, including 34 workers in the Payette National Forest of Idaho.

More than 150 displaced and parishioners gathered in McCall to protest the layoffs and to express concerns about their effects on public land management.

“They love their jobs. They work on weekends. They work overtime. It is a passion,” said Sarah, who works in the federal government, but it didn’t feel comfortable to share their last name. “Dozens of us no longer have any income.”

The mass revision of probationists in the federal authorities was to reduce the size of the government and increase efficiency. However, the workers argue that the cuts will have the opposite effect.

“How can we be more efficient in our work if we are disappointed?” Sarah said.

Emily Coherky, who received by e -mail by e -mail on Friday, was on probation after she had received a promotion within the forest service since 2022. The federal employees are usually one to two years after the hiring or reinstatement has nothing to do with performance.

“I’m afraid. I’m upset. I’m angry,” said Coherky. “The fact that I was targeted really hurts.”

Coherky said she was confused because she had perfect performance reviews and said she and her employees had all the best.

“We all have letters that say that we go beyond what we expect,” said Coherky. “It just doesn’t add up. It makes no sense. ”

The dismissed employees performed various tasks, including deletion and maintenance of the campsite.

“We clarify paths, we clean campsites, we clean the toilets on the campsites,” said Sarah. “These could be closed if we have no one who takes care of them.”

They also work on the reduction of the forest fire and the avalanche prevention. All of the dismissed employees were “reduced red” and qualified to help during the forest fire, especially when firefighters needed a break in the busy season.

“The burden that this will record in our Forst Service system will be huge,” said Sarah. “It will change in a way in which I don’t believe that we can predict.”

A Federal Workers Union also submitted a lawsuit against President Trump in response to the mass shots.

“Everything that is connected to nature and natural resources this day touch federal hands,” said Sarah. “Dozens of us no longer have any income. These opinions are our own and do not reflect official opinions from the forest service. ”

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