Tips, Spangram and answers for Tuesday, February 25th

Are you looking for the strands of Monday, Spangram and answers? You can find them here:

ForbesNyt ‘beaches’ today: clues, Spangram and answers for Monday, February 24th

It is time to uncover some words on this beautiful Tuesday with all of you fine beachistas. The weather is nice. The night is young. There is a lot to do, so let’s annoy these strands!

Strands is the latest game in the New York Times Stall of Puzzle Games. It is an entertaining turn in classic Word search games. Every day we gave a new topic and then commissioned to uncover all the words on the grid that matches this topic, including a spangram that includes two sides of the board. One of these words is that Spangram Which crosses from one side of the network to another and shows even more about the topic of the day.

Spoiler ahead.

Today’s strands have

Read on for today’s topic and some clues with which you can uncover today’s words.

Today’s topic: Life is like a box of chocolates.

Note No. 1: It is the inside that count.

Tip No. 2: Maybe you will check an actual box of chocolates.

To uncover all the words, here are the first two letters of each word, including the Spangram.

Remember, spoiler ahead!

What are today’s answers?

Today’s Spangram is: Fillings

Here is the full list of words:

  • Almond

Here is the finished strain grid:

Today’s breakdown

This was actually a super challenging puzzle for me. It took forever! Some of the words were not bad, including the Spangram Fillings – but others were gnarled, such as nougat and liqueur. However, I arrived there at some point! And now I want something chocolate. Thank you, many strands! (In addition, this would have been a good puzzle for Valentine’s Day!)

How did you go on your strands today? let me know Twitter and Facebook.

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