Michael Moore under control by Trump, the White House, for the “stupidest explanation of the year”

The progressive filmmaker Michael Moore was the goal of a statement by President Donald Trump’s white house and described his letter about immigrants a “strong candidate for the stupidest explanation of the year”.

On Monday, February 24th, Moore wrote on a substantial that the United States could miss some of the world’s largest minds by deporting migrants.

In response to this, the White House released an explanation on Wednesday, February 26, which contradicts the opinions of the filmmaker born in Flint.

“Michael Moore is free to visit the Labors Quantum Computing and particles Physics, the MS-13, TDA and the cartels now have to set up home in El Salvador, Venezuela and Mexico,” said Kush Desai, deputy press spokesman for the White House. “The Trump government will continue to focus on putting our own citizens in the first place by deporting illegal hiking rapists, murders and other criminals from American communities.”

Moore used Dr. Mona Hanna, who discovered the Flint water crisis as an example of his theory.

Hanna was born in England and recently started a cash recipe program to support mothers and babies.

“Without them, it would be possible that we would never have known the full truth about how Flint’s children were poisoned by the state,” wrote Moore.

Moore’s full blog post entitled “Our Muslim Boy Wonder” can be read here.

He reflects the birth of Steve Jobs and explains that the contributions by immigrants are by far all alleged negatives.

Moore wrote immigrants a crucial role in progress and cultural developments, including Hanna, US representative Rashida Tlaib, Google co-founder Sergey Brin and musician Joan Baez as examples.

“Who will really be removed from ice tonight? The child who would have discovered the remedy for cancer in 2046? The 9th grade nerd who would have stopped this asteroid that will meet us in 2032? “Moore wrote.

The White House listed 14 stories from all over the nation in which migrants were charged or convicted of violent crimes. The full statement of the White House can be read here.

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