Rental Power plans Site in Walker County to become Alabama’s first battery storage system in Alabama

Alabama Power announced that the former site of Gorga in Walker County, which served in the region for over a century, will be the location of the first battery system in the state’s utility.

According to reports, the 7-morning battery system will save up to 150 MW of electricity, which are generated by other resources in Alabama. 150 MW corresponds to the capacity, which is required for the power supply of around 9,000 houses. According to the company, the system is designed as independent and is made directly from the electrical network and loaded it.

“This facility will help Alabama Power understand how we can best use battery systems in our electrical network so that customers have electricity if they need them” Jeff PeoplesAlabama Power Chairman, President and CEO. “The project of Project Honors Plant Gorgas’ Erbe, which has played an important role in the power supply to the condition of Alabama since 1917. “

Brandon DillardSenior Vice President of Alabama Powers generating fleet, found the potential value of the battery storage technology.

“Batteries can charge if the energy costs are lower and the energy costs are higher, which means that the costs can be reduced. You can also deliver energy to our system in response to changing conditions, ”said Dillard. “We are pleased to find out how the battery storage technology best suits our system to reliably operate our customers.”

“If we work to make our system more and more intelligent, innovative technologies such as battery storage can help ensure a constant energy supply.”

Jill StorchVice President of the Western department of the company, pointed out to the revival of ownership as an indication of Alabama Power’s continuing commitment towards the residents of the area.

“Plant Gorgas and Walker County take a special place in the history of our company, ”said stork. “The reuse of this website confirms our support of the communities that we have served for a long time and ensures sustainable solutions that honor our past while looking into the future.”

Construction begins in 2025 with an estimated final date of 2027.

Austen SHIPLEY is the news director for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on x @SHipleyausten

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