These are the 8 smartest criminals in Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul (but there is a clear winner)

There are many criminal masterminds in breaking Bad And Call Saul betterBut in particular a diabolical genius is the smartest of everyone (and it is not Walter White). While the characters of The sopranos And Sons of the anarchy Could use their muscles to solve problems in the criminal underworld, the characters of breaking Bad Often had to rely on her brain. There were many muscle -bound henchmen who shoot after Walt, but he always managed to outsmart her and stay one step ahead. He marched directly in Tuco’s headquarters and blew it up with science.

Through breaking Bad‘S Five Seasons, Walt involved many gangland opponents who were as clever as he, from the fried chicken -Tycoon Gus Fring to his own wife Skyler. The show of the show, Call Saul betterintroduced even more evil genius. Before he became a lawyer Saul Goodman, Jimmy McGill built a turbulent work relationship with Gooon-Hire, Mike Ehrmantraut and became an amigo by the notorious cartel leader Lalo Salamanca. The breaking Bad The universe is so full with clever criminals that Walt is not even the smartest.


Nacho Varga

Nacho in Lalo's house in Better Call Saul

Although he started as a gangster on a low level, the money counted for the cartel, Nacho Varga became one of Call Saul better‘S smartest crook. Nacho played Gus and the Salamancas against each other as a double agent. He mastered the scheme that Hector Salamanca ended up in his wheelchair, and nobody found that he was until he confessed happily in his last moments.

Even when he left all on both sides – GUS and the Salamancas, who ruthlessly hunting him – was succeeded in surviving long enough to find a way to go out on his own conditions. He escaped the assassin who had observed his hiding place. He even successfully hid over the cousins ​​in sight.


Skyler knows

Skyler (Anna Gunn) smokes smoked as he looks out of the window in Breaking Bad

In the first few seasons of breaking BadSkyler was not aware of her husband’s criminal activities. But when she found out that he produced meth to pay for his cancer treatments instead of going directly to the police, she got into the business. Walt was great in earning a massive amount of unusable cash in the drug industry, but Skyler was the one who found out how to wash the money so that they could actually spend it.

Saul’s proposed money laundering scheme for buying a laser day business would have been completely suspicious and might have caught Walt. Skyler’s plan to buy the car wash where he used to work was a much better idea (and she converted it into a legitimate successful business). Whenever a new problem appeared, like TEDS IRS problems, Skyler found a way to fix it.


Mike Ehrmantraut

Mike refers to a weapon in a better reputation Saul

Mike Ehrmantraut is based on the GOON-FOR-HIRE genre archetype, but he is a damn much smarter than the average Goon. When Daniel Wormald Mike hired to oversee a drug agreement, Mike did so much homework and proved to be so capable that he had the other two commissioned rackers released immediately. Mike is sharp enough to do the work of three men alone.

Mike is not just one of the smartest breaking Bad Characters; He is also one of the smartest. When Jimmy suffers from unbearable PTSD, Mike offers him a wisdom that feels a little better. Whenever Mike Jimmy, Walt, Jesse, Gus or Nacho gives advice, whether they take it or not, it is usually correct on the money.


Lalo Salamanca

Lalo smiled in Better Call Saul

Lalo Salamanca is one of the greatest villains in television history, and he would never have existed if it were a disposable line breaking Bad. In his first appearance in breaking BadA frightened Saul confused Walt and Jesse for Lalo’s racket. Call Saul better revealed that Lalo was one of the leaders of the Salamanca cartel. In the last season of Call Saul betterHis rivalry with GUS reinforced.

What made this rivalry so convincing was that Gus and Lalo were as calculated as each other. Both plan their plans meticulously to be several steps ahead of their enemies, which they made perfect for each other. Gus ultimately triumphed over Lalo (thanks to his conspiracy armor), so Lalo was a little less awesome than his chicken-peeding heel enemy.


Kim Wexler

Kim Wexler fired her finger pistol at the end of Better Call Saul Staffel 5

It feels unfairly to brand Kim Wexler when you consider how much good work she did on the right side of the law and how quickly she regretted after hurling to the wrong side. But at the end of Call Saul betterKim had become an accomplice in Jimmy’s illegal activities. On the crime side, they were wrongly about a few frauds for fun, but they went too far as they constructed a complex prank to destroy Howard Hamlin’s life.

Despite the devastating consequences of her actions, Kim is nothing, if not smart. She was the genius behind the blueprint, the Mesa Verde -Logo dispute and the Country Club cocaine. If Kim had no conscience, she could have gave Heisenberg a run for his money.


Gus Fring

Gus looks angry in Breaking Bad

Gus Fring is a real criminal genius. He used a fast food franchise as a front to build a drug empire that is so profitable that it could be listed on the Nasdaq, and managed to earn the trust of all local law enforcement authorities while producing industrial amounts to Kristallmeth under her noses. After Walt had spent a few seasons in the Albuquerque criminal community in the dark Albuquerque, Walt finally hit his intellectual match in GUS.

Gus outwitted Lalo and prove that he was the more intelligent criminal of the two, but his plan to defeat Lalo was based on luck and chance. During most of his work relationship with Walt, Gus managed to stay at the top, mainly because of the workers available to him. But Walt ultimately defeated Gus by identifying and exploiting his greatest weakness.


Walter White

Walt by phone in Breaking Bad

Walt is as clever as he is unscrupulous, and his elaborate conspiracy to defeat GUS and put down his criminal company, proves this. He poisoned a little boy to manipulate Jesse to do Gus so that he could convince Jesse to help him kill Gus. He used Gus’ vengeful anger against the salamancas to get him to let his guard down. This assassination alone proves that Walt is a genius.

But he is not quite the smartest character in the breaking Bad Universe. Walt often seems impulsive and emotional, which causes him to make mistakes. He only realized that he had received the list of names he wanted from Lydia after shot Mike fatally. The smartest criminal in the breaking Bad-Verse is not walt; It is his * criminal * lawyer.


Saul Goodman

Jimmy in his office in Better Call Saul

The smartest criminal in the breaking Bad Universum – smarter than Walt and Lalo and Mike and Nacho – is the guy who kept them all out of prison. Among them from both Jimmy and Saul, this * criminal * lawyer took up many customers with apparently uncday, open cases, including Lalo, and managed to delete them from Scot-Freen. After Huell had been caught a police officer with a speaking attack, Jimmy saved him by carrying out a cross-country writing campaign.

Even when Jimmy was finally caught, he managed to talk from a life sentence plus 190 years of up to a massive seven and a half year prison sentence. No criminal in breaking Bad or Call Saul better Was as smart as the lawyer. Even the second smartest relied on Saul to get it out of difficulties.

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