Invincible season 3, episode 7 review – “What did I do?”

The greatest strengths and weaknesses of the invincible season 3 collide in “What did I do?” So far it had to choose between moment of action and character development, and nowhere is it more obvious than when a team of Alt-University Invincibles penetrates into Chicago, causes chaos and forces the brand we know to combat it. It is a big turn that leads to a handful of powerful moments, but it does not have the necessary basis to connect completely.

“What have I done?” The main problem of its one -sided setups and payments. Angstrom Levy, which excludes a multiverse squadron of evil markings, is a great imagination, but it is one that has so far moved into a handful of the credit stitch. In order to defend themselves against these penetrating bad guys, the GDA and the guards are looking for the help of some classic heroes in silver age style, which play an important role in the episode (and even die on the way, in scenes that are supposed to create sympathy), but these characters that we have never seen before, their names and personalities that we never learn.

Rank these past and current members of the Guardians of the Globe

Rank these past and current members of the Guardians of the Globe

Still, so much happens in “What have I done?” (And that much of it is almost malignant and intense) that despite all the missteps, it is difficult to reduce it. A look back shows us how Angstrom has survived, although he was hit by Invincible into a literally pulp-he had a legion of technically experienced surgeons in a pick-up dimension and just enough life in it to summon a portal to conjure up all these months later.

While the brand we know (let’s call him Mark Prime) to chat with Eve uncomfortably about meeting her superhero-averse parent, hell all over the world, since up to 18 invincible variants chaos chaos, whose milk stimulates chaos chaos equally (as well as a pesky mummy rip, after a removal, after a dismissal Sixen is every invasion of an old bandit mask, a more omni-like costume-but everyone is still invincible, and Steven Yeun offers just enough variation in every singing performance to sell the illusion.

Mark Prime, which is so far, Really die), immortal (whose name says everything) and Formesmith (whose survival, although it was torn into two parts, has a convenient explanation). There is a lot on the screen this week, but it is difficult to invest most of it, since a reversal always seems to be around the corner. Rex seems to explode spontaneously to take out one of the uniapements, but whether he is really dead or not – and therefore whether his romantic arc with Rae has come to the conclusion or not – remains uncertain. In a similar way, Donald seems to reconcile his status as an advanced Android completely outside the screen, but who knows how long this acceptance will take. It often feels like “What have I done?” Pulls existing topics with too much strength, if only for reasons of convenience, and the support of the players who join the fight.

Eva, on the other hand, is seriously injured (it is rare that such a visceral fracture sees on the show, so that great praise on this front), which forces Mark Prime to choose between her and track down its numerous variants. Fortunately, this debate is easy to solve when the evil markings switch on the levy and the ingenious super villain simply put them all into another dimension. In view of the numerous all-is-lost moments in the second act of the episode, it is a bit too functional and deletes the way for Mark’s confrontation with Levy, which also feels shortened.

Despite all its structural female and cycling spiders, this episode ends with marks in a more complicated position.

Despite Oliver insisted that Mark Kill Levy – it seems that his sheet of the murder has not been solved – hesitated our hero and lets him escape. At least this makes another complication for Mark when Levy comes back, as this avoids a direct result from Mark, avoiding fatal strength. He is damn when he does it as a power plex to take revenge for his past destruction), and it seems that he will also be damn if he does it.

However, we don’t have to wait that long to find out the answer, not only because the episode of the next week is the relay finale, but also because of the note that “What did I do?” ends. Despite all its structural female and wheel voltage, it ends with marks in a more complicated position, which is torn between a rock and a hard place as a new Viltrumite envoy called Conquest to face it. At that moment he is so emotionally depressed that it can put him in a fighting atmosphere and can make exclusive decisions. This is a damn good catch for next week.

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