Secretary Rollins Preview is making your vision for restoring rural prosperity

Deals with the National Association of Counties

Washington, DC, March 4, 2025 – Today, the US Agriculture Minister Brooke Rollins made hundreds of local guides at the National Association of Counties. There she presented her vision to restore rural prosperity in America. It discussed the importance of the efforts of the President, to contain the expenditure outside the government’s control and the transfer of the federal government, more power to the people. She also addressed the forest fires in the Carolinas and gave an update about the distribution of economic and disaster relief by the department in December.

Secretary Rollins speaks at an event

See extracts as prepared below:

On the forest fires in North and South Carolina:

“The brave men and women of the US forest service work closely with our state and local partners to cover the fires. We have used hundreds of firefighters – and will provide more if necessary. To all leaders here from North and South Carolina … Please tell the people in your states that we have their back. “

About the importance of rural communities:

“America’s rural cities have and will always be the striking heart of our nation…. Families moved west to start a new life in a new country. They came together to build churches, schools and town halls. They have populated fields and forests and weathered difficulties that go beyond what we can understand. They risked everything they had to open and get up the main roads. Together they celebrated the joys of life and took care of those who fell in difficult times.

“That’s why I really believe that the restoration of rural prosperity is not just about bringing jobs back, even though that is important. It is about restoring our communities. It’s about protecting and preserving intelligence American way of life. “”

When optimizing USDA:

“We bring the Ministry of Agriculture back to its core mission to support farmers and cattle breeders. I am proud to work with the efficiency of the Ministry of Government in order to rationalize inefficiencies in the entire department.

“At the same time, I understand that this review process has triggered concern for some of its farmers who participate in long -term USDA farm programs. In many cases, they had no way of knowing whether these programs were financed through the farm bill or by IRA fund. We are working on checking these programs as soon as possible. “

About economic and disaster relief:

“In order to offer rural communities that have affected the difficult economic circumstances in the past four years, we also work around the clock to distribute the economic and disaster aid of 30 billion US dollars that the Congress passed around in December.

“The congress gave us 90 days to distribute the first economic support of $ 10 billion – and we are on the right track to start applications on or before March 20.

“This program is called Emergency Commodity Assistance Program or E-CAP. I have instructed my team to develop a simple, fair and user -friendly application process.

“We are also working on the rapid implementation of the 20 billion dollars -disaster aid due to weather conditions outside the control of farmers.”

On the tax reform:

“Since President Trump works with the congress to extend and perhaps even expand the tax cuts, I will work with him to lift the death tax to continue the proud legacy of family farms. I also welcome your suggestions to encourage companies to withdraw production from foreign nations and to small cities throughout America. “

On the farm bill:

“I am also obliged to work with the congress in order to receive a new farm bill via the finish line this year. We have a great team of members in the house and in the Senate that leads these efforts and I am ready to support them. Together we can avoid falling a full five -year farm bill for the third time and instead to offer the certainty that you have to plan for the future. “

About rural prosperity:

“After all, I will present a new initiative in the coming weeks to work with our federal, state and local partners in order to develop a courageous strategy to revive rural communities. We will talk more about these details in the coming weeks, but here are some principles that lead our work:

“We will ensure that the rural development programs from USDA run as efficiently and effectively as possible to support the people to serve. We carefully consider how we can improve programs to raise greater growth.

“We will invite the private sector to participate in this national endeavor and to promote innovative solutions such as satellite internet, new and better health options as well as excellent childcare and schools.

“We will also recognize that the federal government is not always the best solution – and we will look for ways to restore them more power – the local guides who know their communities better than any other in Washington.”

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