Talks by Paul Weiss – the White House

The authority, which has referred me as president through the constitution and the laws of the United States, is hereby ordered:

Section 1. background. Global law firms have played an oversized role in the undermining of the judicial process and the destruction of the basic American shots for years. Many have carried out activities that make our communities less secure, increase stress for local companies, limit constitutional freedom and impair the quality of the American elections. In addition, they sometimes did this on behalf of customers, per bonoPresent Or supposedly “for the public well -being” – potentially those who otherwise cannot afford the advantage of the legal talent, access to the judiciary, which is deserved by everyone. My administration will no longer support taxpayer funds that sponsor such damage.
My administration has already taken measures to remedy some of the essential risks and outrageous behaviors related to law firms, and I have found that similar measures are required to end state sponsorship for harmful activities through an additional law firm: Paul, Weiss, Wharon & Garrison LLP (Paul Weiss). In 2021, a Paul Weiss partner and former leading public prosecutor in the special advisor Robert Mueller office brought a pro -Bono lawsuit against people who allegedly participated in the events or near the US Capitol on behalf of the District of Columbia on behalf of the Attorney General.
In 2022 Paul Weiss, Mark Pomerantz, the unethical lawyer Mark Pomerantz, who had previously left Paul Weiss back to the district prosecutor’s office in Manhattan in order to create a criminal prosecution against me and, in the opinion of his employees, show information unethically in a way that should imply me. After Pomerantz was unable to convince the district prosecutor of Manhattan, Alvin Bragg, that a fraud was feasible, he got involved in a media campaign to improve support for this unjustified public prosecutor.
In addition, Paul Weiss discriminates against his own employees based on the breed and other categories that are prohibited by civil law laws. Together with almost all other large, influential or industry -leading law firms, Paul Weiss makes decisions about “goals” based on breed and sex. My administration undertakes to terminate such an illegal discrimination in the name of politics “diversity, justice and inclusion” and ensure that the federal services of the United States, including the laws and guidelines that promote our national security, support and observe the democratic process. Those who deal for obvious discrimination and other activities that are compatible with the interests of the United States should neither have access to the secrets of our nation nor regarded as responsible administrators of federal funds.

Sec. 2. Review of the security approval. (a) The Attorney General, the Director of the National Secret Service and all other relevant heads of the executive departments and agencies (agencies) companies immediately steps that match the applicable law in order to suspend Paul Weiss and Mark Pomerantz’s active security checks until a review of the review corresponds to the national interest.
(b) The Office for Management and Household identifies all state goods, property, material and services, including sensitive specialist information facilities that are intended for the benefit of Paul Weiss. The heads of all agencies that offer such materials or services must be as quickly as legally permitted.

Sec. 3. Contract. (a) In order to prevent the transfer of taxpayers to federal entrepreneurs, whose profits do not correspond to American interests, including discrimination based on races, state contracting authorities, insofar as legally permissible, must be obliged by government orders to reveal a business with Paul Weiss and whether these companies are associated with the topic of the state contract.
(b) The heads of all agencies check all contracts with Paul Weiss or with companies that disclose that they do this section with Paul Weiss according to the sub -section (a). The agencies of the agencies must to the legally permissible scope:
(i) Suitable measures to terminate a contract in the applicable law, including the employment regulation of the federal government, for which Paul Weiss was discontinued to hire a service, to terminate to a maximum extent.
(ii) to align their agency lending decisions with the interests of the citizens of the United States; with the goals and priorities of my administration, as expressed in executive measures, in particular in the Executive Ordinance 1414 of January 20, 2025 (termination of the federal government’s weapon); And as agencies that keep appropriate. Within 30 days after the date of this order, all agencies submit to the director of the Office for Management and Budgeting an assessment of contracts with Paul Weiss or companies that were taken with Paul Weiss at the time of this order and all measures that were taken in accordance with this order.

Sec. 4. Racial discrimination. Nothing in this order is interpreted in such a way that the lawsuit approved in Section 4 of the Executive Ordinance 14230 of March 6, 2025 (the risks of Perkins Coie LLP) are limited.

Sec. 5. staff. (a) The heads of all agencies provide the legally permissible scope of Paul Weiss employees, who restrict official access from the buildings of the Federal Government if such access threatens national security from the interests of the United States or is incompatible in any other way. In addition, the heads of all agencies must provide instructions for limiting government employees who act in their official capacities if they are involved with Paul Weiss employees to ensure the consistency of national security and other interests of the United States.
(b) Officials of the agency must refrain from the legally permissible scope of the hiring of Paul Weiss employees without dismissing the head of the agency, which was made in consultation with the director of the office of the personnel management that this attitude will not endanger the national security of the United States.

Sec. 6. General provisions. (a) Nothing in this order must be affected or influenced in any other way:
(i) the legally to an executive department or agency of its legally required authority; or
(II) The functions of the Director of the Office for Management and Household with regard to budget, administrative or legislative proposals.
(b) This arrangement is in accordance with the applicable law and is subject to the availability of funds.
(c) This arrangement is not intended and does not create a right or benefit, in terms of content or procedure, through a party against the United States, their departments, agencies or companies, its managers, employees or agents or another person.

Donald J. Trump

The white house,
March 14, 2025.

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