Game of Thrones included an extremely controversial cameo that HBO later removed from the show


  • Game of Thrones’ biggest mistake was that in season 1 a head of the prostheses of George W. Bush was introduced and caused outrage.

  • The showrunners Benioff and Weiss admitted the mistake and led HBO to cut the scene and apologize for his recording.

  • Despite the controversy around the Busch Cameo appearance, attention is shifted to criticism of the unpopular end of the show in later years.

It goes without saying game of Thrones Festival as one of the largest and biggest shows in television history. The fascinating and magical stories from George RR Martin’s legendary books grabbed the fantasy series its audience and told the complexity of the power-hungry families and the devastation that can depart. Although Game of Thrones ‘ The latter seasons had some fans frustrated and dismayed by how the show was completed, a lot of game of Thrones‘Writing and breathtaking pictures made the series happy to see it when the audience could experience the best and worst of mankind in Westeros.

From the premiere of the show in 2011 until its unfortunately lackluster last season in 2019, game of Thrones was subjected to the exam, especially with regard to the mistakes that fans of the show always wanted to point out. In view of the fact that the series ran for eight years, the strange misfortune like a Starbucks coffee cup in a scene or as Jorah, who had a super-contagic, virus-like illness called Greyskale, was no longer widespread, but a special error in game of Thrones The finale of the first season is one of the biggest mistakes on the show to date.


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Controversial George Bush Cameo appears in Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 10

Cubsetting of the prosthesis by George W. Bush's head on Spike in Game of Thrones

In game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 10 with the title Fire and Blood, is a copy of the prosthes of George W. Bush’s head on a spike that obviously caused a lot of turmoil. After Joffrey took over the management of King’s Landing, the wild young Eddard Stark, who was King Robert Baratheon’s hand before his death. In a turn of cruelty, Joffrey Sansa forces to look at the separated heads of her father and family home while skewing yourself on spikes. However, one of the separated heads resembled the former US President George W. Bush.

Many fans of the show could have easily missed this strange and somewhat disturbing cameo by the former president, but for those who had seen the DVD comment game of Thrones Showrunners recognized this mistake in their own disadvantage when the outrage on social media overtook itself. The showrunner David Benioff and Dan Weiss said: “George Bush’s head appears in a few examples. It is not a choice, it is not a political statement. We just had to use the head that we lie around.” HBO got wind of it and had to cut the scene of digital platforms and apologized in which she said that she found it as “unacceptable” and “in very bad taste”. Benioff and Weis also had to apologize for their unintentional slip because she had launched the DVD comment.

“We use many prosthetic parts of the body on the show: heads, arms, etc., we cannot afford to make them new from scratch, especially in scenes in which we need many of them, so we rent them in loose filling. After the (Bush) scene has already been shot, someone pointed out that one of the heads like George W. Bush looked.”

It is still unclear why Bush’s head belonged to the prostheses that were used for this terrible representation, and it can be one of sinking game of Thrones‘greatest secrets, but it was almost expensive, even though they initially wanted to save money for this specific scene. Years later, Benioff and Weis’s attention was taken up because of their controversial Buschkameno, when the fans instead jumped to them for the extremely unpopular end of the show.

A knight of the seven kingdoms Premate at some point this year on HBO and Max, followed by House of the dragon Season 3 someday in 2026.


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Game of Thrones poster

game of Thrones

Publication date

2011 – 2018


David Benioff, DB Weiss


David Nutter, Alan Taylor, DB Weiss, David Benioff

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  • It itar49936080.jpg

    Isaac Hempstead Wright

    Brandon Bran Stark

Source: Comic book

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