Why are these mysterious camera poles popping up all over New Jersey? Big Brother?

If you’ve driven through New Jersey lately, you may have noticed tall poles on the highways with cameras on them. Are they Big Brother spies? Public surveillance?

No, they’re actually New Jersey’s way of keeping traffic a little less chaotic than a Wawa at rush hour.

These cameras are part of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) traffic management system.and they have a pretty simple mission: to make your commute a little less painful. Think of it as NJDOT’s version of Google Maps, but in real time and with actual footage. You can find your feeds on the 511NJ websitegiving you a front row seat to traffic conditions, construction projects, weather events and any road drama you can handle.

Although they are not used to issue traffic tickets or speed enforcement, the public video could be used as evidence of a crime if it occurs on video. Additionally, law enforcement agencies can use the video if necessary to track wanted vehicles, missing people, etc. There is no law prohibiting them from accessing the video.

Why are they there?

The main goal of these cameras is simple: Traffic flow and safety. They are used to monitor traffic jams, deal with emergencies and monitor accidents. Instead of relying on random tweets from your local radio station about a 10-car pileup on the turnpike, you can watch the whole thing from the comfort of your home—or, let’s be honest, your office.

How can you use them?

Why are these mysterious camera poles popping up all over New Jersey? Big Brother?
NJ DOT Woodbridge Center.

You, yes YOU, can access these cameras through the 511NJ website. The website is designed to be commuter-friendly and features maps, interactive widgets and a wealth of information about where the next traffic problem is. Want to know how bad the Parkway looks before you leave the house? Boom – log in, check a camera and either brave the chaos or grab another cup of coffee and wait.

News organizations such as Shore News Network use NJ511 daily to produce our daily weekday traffic reports. They provide important real-time information where someone previously had to be on site during traffic jams, accidents, closures, etc.

The (not so) fine print

Before you get too excited, there are a few catches. First, these cameras are not always online. Sometimes they fail randomly, which of course always seems to happen during major accidents or storms – when you need them most. Coincidence? Perhaps. Annoying? Absolutely.

Big Brother vibes?

Why are these mysterious camera poles popping up all over New Jersey? Big Brother?
NJ DOT Cherry Hill Center

One can certainly ask whether these cameras do more than just monitor traffic. Rest assured, however – NJDOT insists they are only for public safety and transportation management. They don’t record your license plate as you zoom by or keep track of how many times you stopped at the gas station for snacks.

So next time you see one of these poles, just know that it’s not spying on you – it’s trying (keyword: trying) to make your daily car ride a little less awful. If only it could do something about the jughandles.

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