A big day for Fox News, but the TV ratings for Trump -Speech had dropped

Fox News was the most watched television program on Monday, a sign of the dominance of the channel in the cable news and the general decline of the Americans who rely on television to maintain current events.

A highlight of 34.4 million people who voted in live to see Mr. Trump, according to Statistics of Nielsen, in the big television channels in the big television channels.

The Peak -TV audience came up with the almost 40 million viewers who spoke of former President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in 2021 and the 38.3 million that Mr. Trump’s first opening speech observed in 2017.

The downward trend corresponds to the country’s medial consumption habits, which have been capitalized because more Americans deviate from traditional television and pursue important events on websites, social media and other digital platforms.

However, the Fox News audience was roughly the case with its number of spectators for 2017. About 10.3 million people watched the network on Monday between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Eastern, more than twice as high as in another channel, according to the preliminary data from Nielsen. The number of spectators of Fox News in this time window exceeded the 9.3 million that saw the program of the CBS program of the Golden Globe Awards of this month.

The number of spectators for CNN and MSNBC between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Eastern on Monday fell considerably four years ago. CNN recorded around 1.7 million viewers, of around 10 million for Mr. Biden’s opening speech; MSNBC, whose anchor Mr. Trump’s return to the office complained, was seen on Monday by 848,000 people, according to the early Nielsen data. It had about 6.5 million viewers for Mr. Biden’s speech in 2021.

Nielsen said that the average viewership in 15 large networks on Monday between 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. east was 24.6 million people.

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