A person who was arrested during the ice raid in Arlington – NBC4 Washington –

The residents of an Arlington community woke up on Monday with the enforcement of the immigration authorities on their street.

Video for News4 Sent 4 shows what a man apparently with the handcuffs and the enforcement of immigration and customs in an apartment complex in the 4th Street North with handcuffs and imprisoned.

Telemundo 44 spoke to a man who said he saw it.

“He got into his car and then the police were there and came to him,” said the man to T44. “They knew who he was because they went and just captured him.”

This witness did not want to be identified, but said that the custody was his neighbor.

“I was uncomfortable because I was on my way to work, and suddenly they just appear and they just want to take you away because of your papers and yes, it’s a bit scary,” he said.

Reports about possible ice attacks in North Virginia appeared on Sunday evening on social media, just a few days after governor Glenn Youngkin had signed an executive order that signed the state police to work with the federal immigration officers.

Mass shifts were a election promise of President Donald Trump. The Department of Homeland Security reported last week that ICE arrested more than 20,000 people in a single month.

“The worst part of this is that people are already afraid,” said Rev. Julio Hernandez, Executive Director of Interim Congregation Action Network.

The video of the incident on Monday morning was sent to his group, in which faith communities are organized to defend immigration rights. They began to anticipate more ice arrest when the governor signed his executive regulation, said Hernandez.

“There is this rhetoric that people are criminals, but the majority of people are hard -working people,” he said. “People think immigrants come here to get rich,” said Hernandez. “Really, they only come here to survive.”

People in the community said they live in fear.

The man, whose neighbor was taken into custody, said his wife did every time he goes to work.

“I tell her that I have to go to work because I take care of the family,” he said. “We pay bills in this country and the bills are not waiting for you.”

News4 has contacted ICE to get more information about what happened and is waiting to listen back.

(Tagstotranslate) Arlington County (T) Immigration (T) Northern Virginia

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