Alabama schools that improve in mathematical values ​​after pandemic

Montgomery, Ala. (WSFA) – When it comes to academic recovery after the covidas, students in Alabama are at the forefront. This goes from the results from the national assessment of the educational progress, which is generally known as America’s Report Card.

In the fourth grade mathematics, Alabama rose from a low point from 52nd in 2019 to 32nd place in 2024. The governor’s office said Alabama’s 6-point score increase was the greatest increase in the nation for fourth grade .

Ivey also said that Alabama’s profits at Covid Recovery comparisons exceed which from any other state and Alabama placed in a small group of five states to determine the recovery before the covidal in fourth grade.

Math and reading the eighth grade also recorded slight improvements.

“Alabama had the greatest math wins. Number 2 in the nation. The biggest profits in reading, so that is good news for Alabama. We are grateful to the students, the teachers and their parents, ”said Ivey when he discussed the results at Daniel Pratt Elementary School on Wednesday.

The state superintendent Eric Macke also said that he was satisfied with the state’s mathematical progress and would like to advance even more reforms and improvements in the coming years.

Mackey said there is still a lot to do when it comes to the progress of middle school.

“Although we are not where we want to be, we make the right investments, we applied the right strategies, and we are on the best way where we want to be in the 2030s and beyond,” he said.

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