Bills Oc Joe Brady decides to stay in Buffalo, pull out the HC search of the saints

The only remaining franchise with an open head coaching position is in New Orleans, and it doesn’t seem to be a very attractive task at the moment. According to Ian Rapoport from NFL Network, a remaining candidate for the position, Invoices Offensive coordinator Joe Bradyhas decided to stay in Buffalo and pull out the race to pull out the race Holy Head coach job.

The reason for Brady’s decision is probably twice. An obvious observation is that Brady enjoys his role in Buffalo. The Bills have created a power package duo with Brady and Quarterback Josh AllenAnd the team will play this weekend for the chance to earn the first Super Bowl lying area for the franchise since they lost four Super Bowls from 1990 to 1993. Brady took over a crime from Bills last year (followed Ken DorseyDischarge), which became sixth and fourth in the hit and in his first full year, and the team finished second in the classification and in the entire yards.

The other reason seems to be that the head coach job in New Orleans does not seem to be very attractive. Nick Underhill from NWORLANS.FOOTBALL said just as much and pointed out that Aaron Glenn Who has chosen a New York franchise that has not been controversial in recent years. Jay Skurski from the Buffalo News praised the decision and explains that the saints at the moment “have constantly in Cap and have no clear way to a franchise quarters back”.

During his first attack, Skurski is not before the grassroots. According to, New Orleans is in the league in the league in Cap Space for 2025. The website shows that you currently have $ 52.32 million above the upper limit, which requires a number of CAP victims. While the situation is to improve in 2026, its forecast 60.09 -mm -MIO. USD Cap Space only occupy the 26th place in the league.

News, update for updated information …

(Tagstotranslate) Joe Brady (T) Buffalo Bills (T) New Orleans Saints

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