Brian Kilmeade collides with his Fox & Friends co-moderator and reminds her that she is “Putin is the evil” that reminds her.

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Fox & friends The co-moderator Brian Kilmeade came up with his Maga-Backing colleagues on Tuesday because of the treatment of the Ukraine War by the Trump government, and repeatedly reminded her that “Vladimir Putin is evil” and not the Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky.

Although Kilmeade was a long -time and loyal supporter of Donald Trump, he was also a tough and loud critic of the unprofitable invasion in the Ukraine of Russia and provided the entirety of the whole for the three -year war against Kremlin. Even so many in the right media ecosphere have expressed Putin sympathy, while the United States stop supporting Ukraine in their struggle, Kilmeade has remained steadfast in his pro-Ukrainian attitude.

In the last few days the Fox & friends Star made it clear that he breaks out of Trump in Ukraine. After the explosive dispute on the White House, in which Trump and Vice President JD Vance raged against Zelensky, the President decided to suspend all military help to Ukraine because he wanted Zelensky to “commit” a goal of peace with Russia.

In response to this step on Monday evening, of which the Ukrainian officials said they could have an impact on the front within a few days, and the appearance that America is “set with Russia” went to social media to make a veiled shot on the president. “Can we all remember that (Putin) the evil – they have involved – kidnap children,” tweeted kilmeads. “Whatever happens – Ukraine cannot lose – Eastern Europe will be next.”

((Fox news)))

During the broadcast of Trump’s favorite cable news show on Tuesday, Kilmeade continued to go home, while at the same time surrounding himself with his co-moderators and clearly supported the pivot point of the president towards Russia in the war. In particular, he was postponed by the proposal that the United States could continue to punish Ukraine if Zelensky did not apologize to Trump on the dispute of the White House.

“Lord. Zelenskyy probably thinks when I don’t apologize, what is there for me? One of the things that become overlooked that could actually have a close advisor of the president-is the Starlink internet,” said co-moderator Steve Doocy. “This is Elon Musk. If Elon Musk wants to send a message Tens of thousands of terminals.

Kilmeade, which was remotely struck during the rest of the crew in the studio, accused his colleagues to spend with Putin about Ukraine. “Remember what you tell,” he said. “You say Zelenskyy is worse than Putin.”

After Doocy and the other hosts had contested that this was the case, Kilmeade continued to criticize them because they pointed out that the USA could further threaten Zelensky to force him to agree with Russia.

“You say we should starve Starlink,” called Kilmeade. “You would have to take Starlink from our allies to make them hold an economic deal or bring them to the table?”

He continued to claim that Europe is concerned that Ukraine falls to Russia because they believe that all of Eastern Europe will soon be infiltrated, which leads to the Reformation of the Soviet Union. While he has attributed Trump to have forced the European leaders, to “reinforce” themselves and continue to commit to support Ukraine after the Blowup of the President at Zelensky, he repeated that there was only a real antagonist in the war.

“And Vladimir Putin is evil. Zelensky may not be the choice of choice, but he is the choice of the Ukrainians, ”he said, and prompted co-moderator Lawrence Jones.

“Brian, everyone knows that Putin is evil. We don’t have to have a signal of virtue every day and say Putin is the villain, ”Jones snorted before referring to the sunk mineral law with Ukraine. “But just saying that he is evil does not end the war. What ends the war is Zelensky, who works with the United States from an economic perspective, ie his security guarantee. And he won’t do that! He won’t even let us go to Putin! “

With the co-moderator Ainsley Earhardt apparently that Zelensky was “so grateful”, but became “disrespectful” for the United States, although we “gave three times more than Europe, co-moderator was that Zelensky” did not become disrespectful “. This wrong claim was repeated countless times by Trump, although the European countries of Ukraine have already assigned more than twice as much help as the United States and the war-bound country have already assigned more.

Kilmeade said that he did not believe that Zelensky gave all the support of the America of Ukraine, “that the exchange of the White House from the White House was probably not” a bad moment “and probably in the Trump Presidential Library” play in a loop “every day. Nevertheless, he wanted his colleagues to think about the greater effects of the ideas that they floated.

“In the overall picture, you find that if you deny Starlink to your ally, you not only do not provide any weapons, you may drop Kyiv,” he concluded. “That’s not what someone wants.”

In the meantime, Earhardt insisted that “nobody wants the Second World War” and that “Trump would occur to prevent it” if that was a possibility.

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