Bridge Piedra | Falsos pasajeros asesinan a collectivero de 19 balazos and Policía detiene a dos menores de edad | Video | Police Stories | ACTUALLY

DE TERROR. Lots of light in the day, a group of SicariosThis means that the pasajeros, asesinaron a un Conductor de colectivo Venezolano, identified as this Roldán Adolfo Mujica Lanzaof 40 years, as esperaba pasajeros en un concurrido paradero de Bridge Piedra. The victim was killed in the act.

The man sits inside his car when he enters criminals, he is misled, he crashes, he breaks at the border and falters. Over time they encountered 19 Bala-Casquillos.

The chant was reported on the Three Ruedas parade on November 29, a few days later after the government reinforced the state of emergency this year and the other districts of Lima and Callao.

A move that was in a vehicle affected by terrorist attacks and avoided the danger of avoiding the attack. When they reached the Asesinato, Huyeron’s aggressors began, but the Vecinos alerted the Serenos, who launched a pursuit.

During the escape, the Atacants scattered against the Serenos, Logrando struck one of his soldiers. On the path of pursuit, the criminals intentionally robbed a police officer but did not abandon him and continued the association of the Vivienda San Diego until they finally surrounded the injured, destroyed a house and abandoned one familia como rehén.

The offenders, who had to change their clothes to show contempt, were in the house and entrusted a woman with a firearm, waited to change their clothes until they died.

Asesinan a collective in Puente Piedra. Photo: diffusion

Asesinan a collective in Puente Piedra. Photo: diffusion


A man who intimidated the attackers rang in the family, the sound of a cell phone that unsettled criminals, and he allowed the agents of the Terna group, the green escuadrón of the police, to go and investigate the two attackers .

When they were arrested, it was discovered that they had been finally freed by the Centro Preventivo de Maranguita less than a year ago, one of them 13 years ago and 14 years ago.

Two firearms, a Glock pistol and a Taurus pistol, were captured in life and an investigation was launched into the hunt for Chofer.

Most of the officers have contacted the Puente Piedra Commission as authorities continue to report their involvement in the case.



Redacción Trome

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