Can romantic options strengthen existing relationships?

Some partners in a committed relationship can joke that buying a striking new sports car or home is a stylish new dress a proof of an affair – in other words, provided the worst, albeit jokingly. But the truth is that new purchases may reflect the desire for both men and for women current Partner. Research explains.

When romantic alternatives increase existing relationships

Ting Xu and Rui Chen (2024) in one piece entitled “I’m better when I’m bad”, explored the partner’s purchase practice after exposure to romantic alternatives.1 They first realized that people are naturally motivated to maintain and maintain romantic relationships, and that consumption is used to construct personal image. As a result, they examined the effects of romantic alternatives to the experimental and material purchases from partners on committed relationships.

XU and Chen presented the participants pictures of candidates to the gender from an online dating platform and asked them to achieve their attractiveness and then present themselves to pursue a romantic date with the candidate that they found most attractive. The participants were then presented to a consumption selection: they were asked whether, if they had a gift voucher, they would redeem them for a tangible object such as a decoration for their desk or a buffet meal. Since the experimental manipulation triggered an extra-relational desire without leading to actual infidelity, it made it easier to investigate the reaction-fast buying behavior within the limits of current relationships.

The desire to acquire: purchase of personal preference

In six studies, XU and Chen found that Nonsingles, who were exposed to romantic alternatives, experienced cognitive dissonance and psychological symptoms (feelings of guilt) in connection with the violation of the relational rules and had decided to improve self -improvement as a protective path for calming down and consolation. To calm down and comfort yourself when you are a good partner. Men preferred experimental purchases to project an image of emotional warmth, and women preferred material purchases to improve a practical image of heat.

In terms of selection of purchase, describe XU and chen purchases as a kind of self -sensitivity that promotes a personal image. They separate material purchases that acquire a concrete possession of experimental purchases that provide life experiences such as buying a ticket for a concert. They find that material purchases include tangible products that are usually held for a long time compared to experimental purchases of intangible experiences or events.

With regard to gender -specific differences, XU and Chen find that men perceive experimental purchases as a more effective method to fulfill social needs. They explain that experimental purchases make it easier to share and offer the possibility for common consumption. Examples are traveling, visiting films and the food – all are more likely to promote relational satisfaction and the need to belong.

My purchases, I myself

In reality, shopping patterns are motivated by a variety of factors that relate to personal improvement or to please or spend time with your own partner. Regardless of whether a new purchase is a few shoes or a few tickets for Paris, he can simply reflect the desire for relationship enrichment and binding. Sometimes purchases are made out of gratitude and are lucky enough to share life with a wonderful spouse. In other cases, a new dress was only for sale. In balance, purchasing projectors should always get the advantage of doubt in a high -quality, loving relationship.

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