Canyon opens electricity centers for residents that are affected by the electricity shutdown

The city of Canyon has set up electricity centers in the Cole Community Center and the Canyon Area Library to support the residents who are affected by PSPS (PSPS) from Xcel Energy.

The Cole Community Center in the 300 16th Street will mainly serve people who rely on medical equipment with electrically powered domestic devices. The center remains operational until the electrical service is restored or the need for the facility is considered unnecessary. Residents who have a medical emergency are recommended to contact 911 for immediate support.

The Canyon Area Library in the 1501 3rd Avenue will act as a charging station. It will remain open as long as there is a demand for its services. Residents affected by the power failures are requested to calculate telephones, electricity banks, laptops or small electronic devices with the setup.

Xcel Energy has given guidelines for the preparation of houses for a public security. The residents are recommended to put refrigerators and freezers in the coldest setting in order to maintain food, switch off or remove devices in order to prevent resistance if electricity is returned, the purchase of portable loading banks and practice manually.

Other animal shelters in the Texas Panhandle region for customers who are affected by power failures:

  • Pampa – First Baptist Church
  • Wheeler – Wheeler Agrilife Center
  • Tucumcari, NM – congress city at 1500 W. Tucumcari BLVD.

(Tagstotranslate) canyon

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