City of Boise forms committee to combat climate change, seeks residents to join • Idaho Capital Sun

The city of Boise initiated this Boise Community Climate Action Committeea group dedicated to working toward a cleaner, healthier Boise, according to a city news release.

The Boise Airport is now powered by 100% clean energy through the Idaho Power program

The committee will play a key role in shaping Boise’s Community Climate Action Guide – a resource for prioritizing the community’s climate priorities.

Committee members will work with city and community staff to share ideas and provide feedback. According to the press release, this is a community-driven initiative to combat the impacts of climate change and provide residents with information, resources and opportunities to get involved.

“Boise is at its best when we come together and develop a shared vision for the future,” said Mayor Lauren McLean. “This committee will help ensure Boise’s climate actions reflect the ideas and priorities of our residents so that our city is prepared and resilient to the impacts of climate change.”

Who should apply?

The City of Boise is seeking residents from diverse backgrounds, professions and industries to join the committee. The committee will be geographically representative of the city and ensure input from all Boise neighborhoods.

The committee’s commitment is one year, with monthly meetings lasting one and a half hours. Committee members are also encouraged to participate in community engagement events throughout the process.

Applications are open and end on December 20th. A selection committee will review applications and the final committee of 20 members will be announced at the end of January.

To learn more about the committee, visit The City of Boise Climate Action Page.


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