‘Danger!’ Fans shocked about NSFW ‘Jit’ Note

The second round of the semi -finals for Danger! The Invitational tournament gave the fans giggling after host Ken Jennings made a shocking joke.

On Monday, March 3, the game of fan favorites Matt Amodio from New York, New York, against Luigi de Guzman from Arlington, Virginia, and Emily Sands from Chanhaassen, Minnesota.

De Guzman, a lawyer, began in the leadership and answered several questions correctly. Amodio was right behind him. However, Sands found the daily double in her second question and moved her with 1,600 US dollars over amodio. After that she was on a role and it was a fight between her and de Guzman.

During the interview round, Sands announced that her job as a performance consultant is pretty new. She landed the job shortly after the end of the champion’s tournament, so she was left behind Danger! Amodio, a quantitative researcher, suggested that now Pop culture endangered!You should remove these categories from the syndicated version. He was not very lucky because a question of pop culture was the last in the game.

At the end of the first round, De Guzman led with 8,800 US dollars. Sands was second with 5,400 US dollars. Amodio hit third place with 2,200 US dollars, but his luck would turn around in two danger! When he found both daily doubles.

The first question under the bookhop “In Ye Olde 18th century” was a daily double. He made it a real DD and bet his entire money. The note was: “The division of labor” starts in Chapter 1 in an investigation of nature and the causes of ‘The rest for this title 1776 “. Amodio suspected: “What is a wealth of nations?” He brought his total to $ 4,400. He was still in the last place.

Amodio was at 8,000 US dollars in double friendliness and found the second DD and had the opportunity to switch first. “Dinar is served in many countries, including this small oil -rich; In the 1990s, the Iraqi Dinar briefly replaced its own dinar, ”the question says. “What is Kuwait?” He replied and brought him up to $ 16,000.

The last hint of the game had shocked the fans. “In 2024, many flocked to a Memecoin with this 4-letter bird name, which was published by Hailey Welch,” was the hint. “What is Hawk?” De Guzman summed up.

“Yes! You somehow remembered Hawk Tuah,” said host Ken Jennings. Sands had a shocked expression on his face when de Guzman shook her head. Hawk Tuah was famous when a viral YouTube video was posted in 2024. A woman in Nashville was asked: “What does her wife do. And spit on this Thang. “

Reddit users could not believe that the game show had an NSFW note.

“I had never expected a hint Danger! To refer to Hawk Tuah, but it happened, haha. What a great game. This final and the semi -finals of tomorrow will be fun, ”wrote a fan.

“The reaction of everyone, but especially Emilys, after Ken’s remark about Hawk Tuah let me roll,” said another.

“Lol Luigi looked so embarrassed that he did it right. Almost as if he thinks: “Man, that was not worth the $ 400,” Hahaha “, a fan replied.

At the end of the double endangered!, Amodio headed with 22,800 US dollars. De Guzman was second with 16,400 US dollars. Sand was due to a total of 11,400 US dollars.

The category for the final danger! Was cabinet members. “In the order of fame, the first cabinet Jefferson (later Prez), Hamilton (‘My Shot’ Guy), Knox (von Fort Fame), this general prosecutor, was the question.

Sands answered wrongly with “Who is Marbury?” they drop to $ 11,000. De Guzman replied: “Who is Jay?” That was wrong too. He brought $ 16,399 and brought his final total to $ 1. Amodio replied correctly with “Who is Randolph?” He added his total amount of 10,001 US dollars and ended with 32,801 US dollars and made it a winner.

De Guzman and Sands both went home with $ 10,000. Amodio gets into the final. Another semi -finals will take place on Tuesday, March 4.

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