Governor Sanders predicts a quick farewell to Jefferson County employed wage legislation – DeltaPlex News

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders forecast that the legislation to pay Jefferson County could be adopted next week.

Sanders was seen at a press conference on Monday.

Sanders spoke about laws introduced on Monday, which provides that a district cannot adopt a budget for the calendar year, he goes back to the budget for the previous year.

Jefferson County’s employees have not been paid since December after seven members of the Quorum Court refused to approve a budget created by the district judge Gerald Robinson at 2 to 25 years. The judge in turn refused to prepare a budget of 2025 that the JP had prepared and complained that he did not contain authorized increases and created a position in the district writer’s office for a legislative employee, a position that was already in the office of Richter is present.

Before Sander’s Senator Ben Gilmore and representative Glen Barnes, Sanders spoke about some of the letters she received from district residents.

Gilmore, a Republican from Crossett, sponsors the legislation in the Senate.

Barnes, a democrat from Pine Bluff, sponsors legislation with the democratic representative Ken Ferguson and the Republican representative Mike Holcomb, both from Pine Bluff.

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