Haim ‘relationships’ promo is full of Nicole Kidman Meme

Photo: Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Haim is back. First they shared photos of Danielle, who smooched on their Instagram. Then they started making their funny sketches again. Now we have a single title, “relationships” and some art that looks a little familiar. Is that – wait a minute – that The same Parking on which the notorious (and supposedly false) Nicole Kidman takes place after the Meme of Tom Cruise Divorce Papers has been signed? You tell me!

How does each individual Haim sister stack against the original picture? Well, Alana has Kidman’s rosy cheeks and the obvious joie de vivre. Danielle nailed the attitude: elbows that are slightly curved, chest and heart open and aligned from the world. The big sister Este gave Kidman’s face down, hersched her pine and shot her eyes as if she was trying to wake up from a nightmare. Obviously it is wrong to say women, nothing of sisters, against each other, but Este goes with this path. Better luck on the next meme album art art to Danielle and Alana.

This picture works together with the word Relationships, suggests that maybe one or more sharks go through it.

There are only a few people who make music that have more fun than Haim, what the sisters know about them at all times. Your voices are good and your production is always interesting – Rostam works with you on this latest album – but the continuing charm of the band is your willingness to be 80 percent of the time silly. Haim dances stupid. Haim drives with Taylor Swift. Her comedy is not integrated into the fabric of her music – although she is not entirely humorless – but it is an essential part of what makes it such an estimated volume in the pop landscape. They take nothing too seriously, except for the quality of what they bring into the world. In addition, they like to hang out and celebrate. In addition, their sense of humor does not seem to be a kind of provider. They are really funny and only online enough to know how to count with Meme-possible song art for something.

Haims Boppy Last album, Women in music, Pt. III, was a pandemic project, and the group has been quite quiet since then, with the exception of Alana diving in the Licorice pizza. If her latest album art from the Haim-Vers means something outside of her reference point, it could be that the sisters emerge from the cold and go into sunlight with a new sound in front of them. The short excerpt on Instagram indicates that “relationships” include its characteristic combination of playful anger, minor trouble and sweet revenge. Hopefully the song will make it to Nicole Kidman – she may really like it.

(Tagstotranslate) Haim

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