How to get more faction reputation in the Caves of Qud

There are countless factions you can interact with Caves of Qudmany of which extend across the world. At the start of the game, you have no reputation with many of them and are therefore neutral in their eyes. However, as you play, this reputation may increase or decrease.


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Do you want to improve your reputation with the factions in the Qud Caves? You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how to increase reputation with factions and avoid losing too much reputation. Sometimes you have to increase your reputation to get things like recipes, but overall having a net positive is ideal.

How to check your reputation

A player who strives to gain reputation among all factions.

To check your reputation with a faction in the Qud Caves, Go to the main menu and click on the “Reputation” tab. Here you can see all factions and your reputation with them. You will do it Search for specific factions and sort them by reputation.

For example, when sorting, We have 750 bird calls, They make them “worship us and consider us one of their own.” This also applies to the Fellowship of Wardens. There are many factions here, but you can Search for keywords to see all related factions.

What does reputation do?

A player talks to an NPC in Bey Lah.

Reputation affects the way other NPCs in the game interact with you. For exampleIf your standing with a faction is very low, they may be hostile to you (even if they are usually friendly). This also works in reverse; If you are in high regard with a faction that is normally hostile, you may not be attacked.

Some factions are naturally aggressive. For example, an aggressive faction will attack you if you have a reputation of 200, but it will be a docile faction Neutral towards you with the same amount. Once you have it over 250 reputation with each faction, then they will be friendly (regardless of their nature).

Reputation is like a Currency. You can complete tasks or exchange information to get more, but you can also Intentionally reduce your reputation to gain things like recipes, followers, and items.

This will give you more reputation

The best ways to gain more reputation include completing quests for NPCs (and their faction) and initiating a water ritual. Below is a list of the best ways to increase your reputation.

  • Start a water ritual with someone loved/liked by a faction
  • Provide information during a water ritual
  • Kill someone hated/disliked by a faction
  • Complete faction main and side quests
  • Sacrifice artifacts in a Sacred Well (Mechanimists only)

Overall we suggestI don’t talk to legendary NPCs and perform a water ritual with them.

Some actions can lead to this Lose your reputation with one faction and gain with another. For example, if you kill a legendary NPC, you will lose reputation with his faction and gain additional reputation with the factions that hate him.

Instead of trying to accommodate every faction present in the Qud Caves, It’s a little easier to please just a handful that you want to interact with.

Tips to avoid loss of reputation

A player looking at water ritual options.

In order to avoid unnecessary loss of reputation for a faction, We strongly recommend avoiding killing legendary NPCs for no reason. This causes their reputation to decrease with their faction. If you don’t have a reason to kill an NPC, don’t do it. Attacking an NPC can also cause others in the area to become hostile. which is not ideal.

During a water ritual, you may see some options that result in a decrease in reputation. Even if you want to strive for a positive reputation, sometimes it may be necessary to choose this. For example, This is a great way to learn new recipes and skills and gain followers.

Don’t be afraid to choose one of these reputation-damaging answers, as you may need. To balance it out, You can always share information or perform water rituals with other members of the faction. If your reputation with a faction is over 600, losing 50 to 100 reputation isn’t the end of the world.


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