How to protect your neighborhood

WEST CARTHAGE, New York (WWNY) – Eighteen red barrels are scattered throughout West Carthage. They cover fire hydrants during snowstorms like the one that just swept through the village last weekend.

“Help protect the fire hydrant from the salt. Make it easier to find the hydrant in deep snow to clean,” said Pete Crump, superintendent of the West Carthage Department of Public Works.

This is the second year the barrels have been used along Broad Street and Bridge Street.

They also inspire other communities.

“The Village of Copenhagen is putting barrels over their homes, and a few places in Lewis County have also called. “Anything that protects us is better than nothing,” Crump said.

Like the fire hydrants near your home, Crump says it’s important to clear sidewalks. In West Carthage, residents must clear a path by 10 a.m. the day after the snowfall.

“If we see a sidewalk that hasn’t been cleaned, we send a reminder letter with the village’s order to clean a sidewalk, and if someone doesn’t comply, the DPW has to go out and clean the sidewalk and they get a…” Bill from the village,” Crump said.

For those who own property in the City of Watertown and have not yet cleared their sidewalks, the clock is ticking. According to city law, property owners have 48 hours to clean up the property.

“We are a little more flexible at such large events. I think we really started counting down the 48 hours on Monday unless there is an emergency that involves eviction,” Watertown City Manager Eric Wagenaar said.

Driving through the streets of Watertown, it’s not unusual to see someone walking on the side of a main road, Wagenaar said, but drivers and walkers need to be extra careful when the sidewalks are being cleared.

“Just be careful, wear reflective or light-colored clothing and try to get back on the sidewalk as quickly as possible,” Wagenaar said.

As in West Carthage, Wagenaar says city residents will be fined if their sidewalks are not cleared in a timely manner.

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