Huge police operation against illegal streaming in Italy and 7 countries – TopNews

Italian police cracked down on illegal streaming in Italy and seven other countries on Wednesday in Europe’s largest-ever audiovisual piracy operation.

Police coordinated by the Catania Prosecutor’s Office carried out Operation Takedown, dismantling the most widespread transnational criminal organization that illegally served over 22 million users.

Over 270 Postal Police officers carried out 89 searches in 15 Italian regions and, in collaboration with foreign police forces, 14 searches in the United Kingdom, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland, Romania and Croatia on 102 people.

The Croatian police have issued precautionary detention orders against eleven people who are under investigation.

As part of the police operation, over 2,500 illegal channels and servers were seized, which managed the majority of illegal signals in Europe and facilitated an illegal business worth over 250 million euros per month.

The operation, planned by the international judicial authorities Eurojust and Europol, was operationally coordinated by the Postal Police Service and Cybersecurity with the support of the operational network @on (Operations Network), financed by the European Commission and led by the DIA, the national anti-mafia investigative agency.


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