John F. Kennedy has eaten this classic breakfast every day every day

When we think back to the Kennedy era in the White House, many of us think about elegance, tradition and a family that the nation once fascinated.

Even to this day, the country’s fascination for the Kennedys has not faded, with every little insight into their daily life contributing to their permanent legacy. As one of the most popular first families in America, the Kennedys were the epitome of class – even if it went with their meals. Despite their status, their selection of food was surprisingly simple and unpretentious, especially at breakfast.

What the Kennedys ate for breakfast

First Lady Jackie Kennedy was known for her famous minimalist diet, possibly due to her notorious electoral palate. Every morning she enjoyed breakfast in bed – a glamorous scene, yes – but the offer was very easy. According to Vogue, their tray usually included toast with honey, orange juice and coffee with a lean milk.

President John F. Kennedy, on the other hand, preferred a more hearty start to his day – and he stayed with the same breakfast routine for decades.

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JFKS Morgenmahl was always poached or cooked softly in addition to toast. It seems that the bread selection for the toast has been switched over over the years, although a special grade of “Pepperidge White Toast” (aka Pepperidge Farm White) was found in Jackie’s handwriting. The toast was served with butter and jam as a jelly or jam.

The president also enjoyed a side of the crispy bacon, although he had to be more ovenbroil than fried. In a handwritten menu, which was delivered to the family’s personal cook in 1958, she specified: “Mr. K can not eat anything fried ”and emphasized this request by underlining” roars “before the word bacon.

To round off the food, JFK would have a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee.

There were special occasions when he deviates from his routine, and then there was a breakfast favorite on the menu: the famous waffles of the White House. Served hot with melted butter and maple syrup, the fluffy waffles could not be resisted.

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JFKS last meal

After what we can judge, JFK ate the same food every day until his last. His last breakfast, which was served on the morning of November 22, 1963, was documented in history books – with a little more details than usual.

“The president’s breakfast was ordered by his servant, which told us that he (a) egg, cooked, crispy bacon, orange juice, fresh, (and) coffee with hot milk,” reported Marvin Love, who took , he took, who took, the JFKS order for breakfast this morning. “He wanted hot milk with (a) preference for cream. Toast with butter on the side, and he wanted particularly orange jam. “

Although his life was tragically broken off, JFK’s morning routine remains a small but meaningful look at the man behind the presidency. Its breakfast – simple, classic and unchangeable – concludes the legacy of a guide whose influence is still today.

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