Keira Knightley at 40: Your 20 best films – rank! | Keira Knightley

20. The hole (2001)

Knightley as Frankie with Thora Birch as Liz. Photo: United Archives GmbH/Alamy

Knightley’s first major role was in this teenager thriller, over four private school children who celebrate in a bomb home where everything is foreseeable. It is a horror and not just for the sheer dominance of boots with a low ris. Knightley even brings the noble girl stereotype even in its more hysterical moments.

19. The Edge of Love (2008)

Supposedly it was about the poet Dylan Thomas and was more about the complicated relationship between his wife Caitlin (Sienna Miller) and his ex-girlfriend Vera. As a film it is a bit of a chaos and fights to fight, but the performances and especially Knightley’s turn as glamorous Vera help to raise it.

18. Silent night (2021)

The first of two films in which Knightley has to navigate at the end of the world, and one of the most bleak insights for a Christmas comedy that has ever been made up. While Knightley feels absolutely comfortable with a thriller or a period drama, this cruel dinner party piece also shows that it can also make a black comedy of the country house.

17. Star Wars episode 1: The Phantom Menace (1999)

As a bait and “loyal bodyguard” on Natalie Portman’s Queen Amidala, Knightley is allowed to play a kind of actor. It spends most of the film in black, in heavy make -up, and delivers lines with a royal monotony, but it was a lively start to her big Hollywood career.

16. Search a friend for the end of the world (2012)

As a Dicky Penny in the romantic comedy who is looking for a friend for the end of the world. Photo: cinema/Alamie

Lorene Scafaria’s film looks at Knightley conceptually and with a line -up that is much better than expected, and hangs back on the apocalypse, this time with Steve Carell. Watching how his dope collides misanthropic energy, with Knightley doing her best Manic Brits-Y Dream Girl.

15. Boston Strangler (2023)

This Noir-ISH sets the notorious serial killer and the journalist who gave him his nickname, and sees Knightley play a hard-boiled, timely reporter. Ultimately, the film is less about the killers/s than the victims, and the uphill journalist Loretta McLaughlin, to have taken the case and himself seriously.

14. Love actually (2003)

Knightley was 17 years old when she played Julia, the topic of Andrew Lincoln’s silence, card -related explanation of his affection for the woman of his best colleague, who is either disgusting or romantic, depending on how you can see her (Knightley described her as “creepy and sweet”). It doesn’t have to do much here, but the film and this scene have taken up an apparently endless life after death.

Mark (Andrew Lincoln) shows his cards.

13. Malks (2020)

In this sympathetic ensemble, Knightley played the real historian and activist Sally Alexander. It took the rise of feminism of the second wave and the conspiracy to disturb the Miss World Festival of 1970, and used it as a half-disc baller captain. Knightley was more of a heterosexual woman, but his playful lower abdomen was a way to make some complex points about the protest and that in the turmoil or not.

12. Pirates of the Caribbean franchise (2003-20o7)

She recently called the films “a very confused place in her head”, but this was the blockbuster franchise, which made her a treasurer. As Elizabeth Swann, Knightley hit through the high sea in a kind of high-end panto with a large budget.

11. Start again (2013)

It should have been unbearable on paper, but it is a audience plan and a few more. Knightley sings through this modern fairy tale about a recently drained folk singer who crosses the recently fired one with Mark Ruffalo. Is it possible for you to avoid the company machine? She plays many songs in many different places to find out.

10. A dangerous method (2011)

David Cronenberg takes Knightley’s many years of competence in a corset and Cronenberg in a corset. When Sabina Spielrein, one of Carl Jung’s psychiatric patients and later one of the first women who became psychoanalysts, Knightley is serious. It is a film with big appearances, and it keeps more than her own.

9. The Duchess (2008)

She shines as the title and put-upon Georgiana, who is married to the Duke of Devonshire at 17 and is about to produce an heir. It has all elements of the key Knightley roles: a country house and a woman who rejects social expectations, while despite a constant exhibition of despite a steady exhibition, he strapped into a heavy Corsire and is also doomed to fail.

8. Anna Karenina (2012)

In the title role of Anna Karenina. Photo: Pictorial Press Ltd/Alamy

It was perhaps inevitable that Knightley would assume Tolstoy’s complex heroine in this loyal period drama, although the less conventional lens of the director and regular employee Joe Wright was seen. It is an impressive task and it delivers a performance that cuts some of its more experimental flories.

7. Never let me go (2010)

Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel about Klone, which has been created in a laboratory and grew up as an organ donor, is now a school curriculum basic food. While Carey Mulligan takes the lead as Kathy, Knightley is more spirited as her best friend and occasional film Ruth. Despite the strong topic, the film chooses a tacit, almost Workaday approach, but Knightley embodies its calm, steady feeling of tragedy.

6. Colette (2018)

As a hero of the same name in Colette. Photo: TCD/Prod DB/Alamy

When Knightley sometimes falls towards the stiff-fupper-lip-lip-lip remorance, she can be retired in this retelling of the first book of the French author, which is retired under the name of her husband, Willy. When marriage becomes poisonous and she rejects its controlling paths and finds her own voice, she begins to explore big and triggered questions about sex, talent and fame.

5. Bend it like Beckham (2002)

This favorite with slow brand fan continues to win new lovers today, two decades after its reserved publication. The film belongs to Parminder Nagras Jess, but when buddy Jules gives Knightley’s expectations of her mother, who should be, heart and depth.

4. Pride & Prejudice (2005)

As Elizabeth Bennet with Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) in Pride & Prejudice. Photo: Flixpix/Alamy

The first of Knightleys two Oscar nominations came for her Elizabeth Bennet in Joe Wright’s starry and elegant oow’s Austen adaptation. There are so many versions of the character on the screen that it can be difficult to find a new way, but Knightley deals every skills here and wears the film with its abrasive but incredibly charming Lizzie.

3. The imitation game (2014)

Her second Oscar nomination was for the best supporting actress in the experienced Alan Turing Biopic, where she plays Turingy’s girlfriend, colleague in code breaking and short fioneted, Joan Clarke. As Turing, Benedict Cumberbatch finds a perfect scene partner in Knightley, who increases the cutting glass vowels and finds its own magnetic, brittle veneer.

2. Reconciliation (2007)

The vowels are in Wright’s masterpiece, which converted Ian McEwan’s novel and converted it into a beautiful, rich cinema, cut even more and royal. It may be where Knightley’s keyoeuvre – posh, tragic and spirited – bloomed first; Like the glamorous and doomed Kecilia, it certainly reaches perfection.

1. Official secrets (2019)

As a GCHQ whistleblower Katharine Gun. Photo: Everett Collection Inc/Alamy

In this underestimated film about Katharine Gun, the GCHQ translator and whistleblower, who felt forced to guide documents on the US manipulation of the evidence of the upcoming Iraq war, Knightley was best in her career. The friction between moral and professional duty is remarkable, and she showed that she could offer a completely different interpretation of Posh, tragically and spiritedly.

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