Kentwood Tylertown Mississippi Tornado Preliminary examination NWS

Two tornadoes only form a few minutes away and take the same way almost exactly

The Kentwood, La – Darbun, MS Tornado has a first evaluation of EF -3. The Tyrertown, MS Tornado was rated as EF-2

And summarize the Tyertown tornado, a great event yesterday. Unfortunately, a few people, three people, have lost their life in Derbigny. But I’ll do you again. What happened is this first tornado and then a second only a few minutes behind it, which takes almost exactly the same route. Around 1213 the first Tornado warning opened when the storm went directly over Kentwood, but when he went directly over the East Fork, we saw this special signature on the Doppler radar. This is a rubble signature that gets trees or other things from houses or whatever, and the radar can actually recognize it. Then a classic tornado signature, a hook -echo. Here you get the hook of a hook or a fish hook with a barb at the end. At that time, the winds were very violent, 120 km / h from the radar, 15 20 km / h towards the radar. And there are now things that you can do and calculate live on the current flying to estimate the evaluation of the wind speed, which we will occur with the tornado estimate in no time at F2 to F3 Dick Durbin. Unfortunately, violent winds winds again here to accelerate wind of the size of 120 125 km / h. And then another classic rubble signature. Unfortunately that was the fatal part of the tornado. At the same time, the first Tornado were again, a second tornado warning via Kentwood went up directly via East Fork. Here, too, I was very concerned about you and with people who may have had no protection with another tornado that we look at the speed signatures, and only when we will see more of a classic signature of the speed data shown here after 115, maybe after 115. There are no debris, so we have not confirmed the tornado. That was good. That was another reason why this is a completely different super cell. But this is exactly where we see the couplets when we get dressed when we make the wind speeds in the direction of wind speeds. And if you see them right next to each other and state violent winds like them that this is the tornado who formed at this point, but you need a rubble signature to completely confirm that this will be the case. So back on the couplet, strong winds. At that time this is closer to Tylertown. Again the second tornado, which formed around 127 in the afternoon. And when we use this again, we will look at each other one last time. But the classic rubble signature will appear in one of our next scans. To put everything together, Track One was unfortunately the most intense storm. And unfortunately that was the deadly in Derbigny with the F3. But the East fork damage was at the lower end of a typical and super cell storms that form it, and it is weak and then reinforces it and then it comes to its peak strength and then weakens again. Then the second tornado will be the one who is referred to as the Tyertown tornado. 115 approximately 129, at least according to the data that we also show here. So again a very, very unusual, very rare situation. They have two tornadoes that form almost within minutes and sometimes take almost exactly the same route in a mile. The tracks that overlapped, but we will take a last look at the weather. We have much nicer weather Comi

Two tornadoes only form a few minutes away and take the same way almost exactly

The Kentwood, La – Darbun, MS Tornado has a first evaluation of EF -3. The Tyrertown, MS Tornado was rated as EF-2

An extraordinary Tornado event occurred on Saturday against Louisiana and Mississippi, where two tornados, which were formed only a few minutes, almost introduced the same way. Meteorologist Devon Lucie explains. The preliminary overview of so -called “Kentwood – Darbun, MS” Tornado has a first evaluation of EF -3. But that is from the damage it has done in South Mississippi. When the Tornado Kentwood/East Fork met, an initial intensity of about EF-1 was preserved. The official intensity reference of a tornado always uses the highest rating that he gave within his lifetime. It is not unusual for tornados that are made from Super Zell thunderstorms to have different strengths in his life. In fact, almost all Superzell tornados are relatively weak, strengths and weaknesses when they dissolve. The preliminary overview of the Tyertown tornado has an initial evaluation of EF-2. Both tornados performed within minutes and almost took an identical path.

An extraordinary Tornado event occurred on Saturday against Louisiana and Mississippi, where two tornados, which were formed only a few minutes, almost introduced the same way. Meteorologist Devon Lucie explains.

The preliminary overview of so -called “Kentwood – Darbun, MS” Tornado has a first evaluation of EF -3. But that is from the damage it has done in South Mississippi. When the Tornado Kentwood/East Fork met, an initial intensity of about EF-1 was preserved. The official intensity of the tornado always uses the highest rating that he gave within his lifetime.

Kentwood Tornado

It is not unusual when Tornados from Super Zell were formed to have different strengths in his life. In fact, almost all Superzell tornados are relatively weak, strengths and weaknesses when they dissolve.

The preliminary overview of the Tyertown tornado has an initial evaluation of EF-2.

Kentwood Tornado

Both tornados performed within minutes and almost took an identical path.

Kentwood Tornado

(Tagstotranslate) EF-3

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