Keraunios God rolls and how you get

The Guardian games are again in Destiny 2. This time they bring a new archery gun. Let us collapse how you can roll a Keraunios god.

As every year, Guardian Games brings a mix of return and brand new toys with which players can play around. This year is no different when things like the Taraxippos Scout rifle, the title SMG and even the Allstar vector science achieve a return.

For hard -working players that have been around for years, the highlight will be the new Keraunios traces. With this type of weapon that receives many buffs through the episode: Heresy Artefact, you will definitely think about rolling yourself as God.

How to get the Keraunios tracks

To get a Keranioio tracks in Destiny 2, you have to play Guardian Games activities. Rushdown, a Boss -Rush mode with bosses from campaigns, seasonal content and exotic missions, is new for this year.

Kerunios Destiny 2

The Kerunios looks like a beast for PvP

If you do three bosses in one run, you guarantee a gun gun of the Guardian Games, which gives you the chance to get the Kerunios. Alternatively, you can play in the exclusive PvP playlist during the Guardian Games to get rewards.

The event challenges also include a guaranteed Kerunios decline. Simply earn a medallion to complete the challenge and earn the weapon alongside some practical improvement nuclei.

If you take the first step in the best quest in the class, you will receive the Kerunios track rifle.

Note that you have to equip the Guardian Games class article so that the rewards can fall off (you can also use it as an ornament if you do not want to create your statistics). If you haven’t done it, speak to Eva Levant and you will give you the required object depending on your class.

Keraunios God rolls

The Kerunios is an adaptive frame rifle, which means that it is not too difficult to control it. It can also pack a blow, and with the right advantages it will be so that you shoot a precise laser on your enemies.

Keraunios PvE God roll

  • Column 1: Cork puller rifle, corrugated barrel
  • Column 2: Improved battery
  • Column 3: vertebral current
  • Column 4: Jollting Feedback

Keraunios PvP God roll

  • Column 1: High -forged rifle
  • Column 2: projection security
  • Column 3: Dynamic Sway Reduction
  • Column 4: closing time

And that’s all you need to know. Due to the appearance of things, the Kerunios looks like a must for PvP while they are a solid funny choice for ARC builds in PVE.

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