La Kings Fumble Armenian Heritage Night with Turkish scarves that trigger great outrage

In February, the La Kings blown out in the A ** of a Madel, which is worthy of Facepalm in their Armenian inheritance.

To celebrate Armenian culture, the Los Angeles Kings gave her fans of scarves.

However, the team overlooked a critical detail: The scarves were made in Turkey.

Royal mistake in Los Angeles

This supervisor triggered outrage among fans, which emphasized the deep historical and cultural gap between the Armenian and Turkish communities, a tension that was rooted in the genocide of the Armenian genocide of 1915, in which the Ottoman Empire systematically killed an estimated 1.5 million Armenian.

Key cities in Los Angeles County, such as Glendale and Pasadena, are known to boast of large Armenian communities.

And since they also sold these scarves in their team business, the kings had to offer reimbursements and stock exchanges.

In response to the counter -reaction, the kings spent an official apology to tackle the unintentional misstep.

“We, the La Kings and our partners of Rank & Rally want to sincerely apologize to all of our friends in the Armenian community and beyond, for the supervision that may have accidentally been their experiences during a joyful celebration,” was the explanation.

“We relate, shares and sell goods from a selected list of manufacturers who are officially licensed by the league, and we were not aware of the production production of the article.”

The kings totally botched it.

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